I took a step away from him. This time, he wasn’t even aware of my movement. His gray eyes shone with tears, a sight I couldn’t even imagine in my dreams.
They were the ones who wronged me. Why the hell was I suddenly feeling bad? Did they really suffer as much as they were saying? Could I believe they cared about me?
Noah stepped up to his father and grabbed the front of his shirt. “Tell me you’re not hiding anything else from us.”
“She’s right in front of you,” said Brian, glancing at me. “What else do you think I could be hiding?”
“Oh, I don’t know!” Noah shouted but tears ran down his cheeks. “You hid your relationship with Eva for years. Everything was a secret until you married her and brought her home. Are you in a relationship with Milla now? Have you secretly married her or something?”
“What?” Corey and Caleb gasped. “Noah, have you lost your mind?”
I stared at him, too stunned to even think of a retort to that ridiculous claim.
“Tell me, Dad. Is she your new secret now? Are you going to marry her too?” Noah screamed.
Brian’s hand rose up and like a lightning strike, he slapped Noah across the face. The blow was so hard, Noah stumbled back a step.
“How dare you?” Brian shouted, his voice hoarse with intense rage.
I wanted to get angry with Noah for even entertaining such an idea but it was too damn ridiculous. Brian was like my dad. How could he even imagine something so gross as that?
I was about to tell him the same, but Noah was crumbling down before me. Tears streaked down his face as his entire body shook with tremors.
It was so much easier to hate him when he kept that cold, impenetrable mask on. How was I supposed to react to him when he was breaking before my eyes?
“Milla’s my daughter!” Brian shouted, his face turning a terrible shade of red. “My biological daughter! How could I ever think of doing something as disgusting as that?”
I stared at Brian, wondering if I heard correctly.
“What did you say, Dad?” said Corey, his eyes wide.
“Milla is my daughter,” Brian said, his chest heaving rapidly. “My real...daughter.” A terrible expression borne from hate and rage came over his face. I’d never seen him like this. “You and your brothers defiled her. Harmed her. Under my own damn roof! You’re the ones who’re filthy. Not me!”
His entire body shook, as if his rage was a real, palpable thing, pulsing through him.
For the first time, I felt scared. Brian was always so gentle and calm. Even when Mom died, he kept his emotions in check.
Noah somehow broke a dam inside him. That disgusting accusation shook him to the core.
Brian suddenly clutched the side of his head and his legs trembled. His eyes widened and then closed shut. A hoarse gurgle escaped his lips as he opened his mouth wide.
A wheezing fit took over him as he bent over. He tried to speak but it looked like the words were stuck in his throat.
“Brian...” His name left me in a whisper.
His eyes screwed tight shut as he pressed a hand to the side of his head.
Confusion and fear rippled through me. What was happening to him?
I ran forward and the tall, well-built man crumpled in my arms.
“Brian!” I shouted.
“Dad!” Corey and Caleb yelled in unison.
“What’s happening to you?” I asked as we fell to the floor together.
Brian’s eyes were still tightly closed. He looked like he was in tremendous pain, the intense agony rendering him incapable of talking or making a sound.