Page 190 of Steel Queen

“How dare you touch her?” Corey snarled, hitting Luke in the face.

“Stop it,” I screamed, throwing myself on Corey.

The distant sound of a screaming ambulance reached my ears. I gazed toward Noah, desperately praying he’d survive.

Even though I was a mess, I knew what Noah did for me tonight. He chose to sacrifice himself for me. Over and over again, he looked out for me, got hurt to save me, and now, he was dying.

Deep, retching sobs escaped me, shaking me to the core.

“Milla, stop,” Corey said in a gentle, worried tone. “You can’t break down. Not now. Look over there.” He turned me toward one of the tall windows in the room. “See that? It’s morning already. We’ve got to get you home before Dad and Irene wake up.”

“I can’t go home alone,” I said in a broken voice. “I’m not leaving Noah behind.”

The siren from the approaching ambulance grew louder.

Within minutes, a team of paramedics hurried inside the entrance hall and crowded around Noah.

I went to move toward them but Corey held me back.

A couple of cops walked inside the room as well.

“Officers!” Luke shouted. “Arrest those men! They’ve broken into my home and assaulted me.”

The cops glanced toward Nick. He sat on one of the plush couches, watching the scene unfold with an amusing grin.

“The body’s in the cellar,” said Nick. Getting to his feet calmly, he gestured over to them. “Come this way.”

Luke threw a dirty look my way and hobbled after them. He probably felt safe with the cops around him.

“It’s time for us to go too,” said Corey.

“Please, Corey. Let me go with Caleb.”

“You can’t help Noah,” he said in a grim tone. “He needs a doctor. And like I said, we need to go home and tell Dad about everything. Have you forgotten what happens if he stresses too much? Can you imagine how he’d feel when he wakes up and hears the news from someone else?”


“What about Irene?” Corey asked. “Imagine how she’d feel when she doesn’t find any of us home.”

I swallowed my guilt and anxiety, knowing I had to toughen up. Brian and Irene needed me as well.

“What about Nick?” I asked.

“I’m sure he’ll handle the situation. Hell, he’s the only one in control here.”

Soon, Noah was being carried away on a stretcher. Corey held onto me, making sure I didn’t dash after him.

I took several deep breaths. My heart still beat at an erratic rhythm, refusing to calm down.

“Come on,” said Corey, leading me toward the door. “It’s time for us to go too.”

I walked after him while my mind tried to figure out what happened to the small army Luke brought with him. There wasn’t a single man in black combat gear to be seen anywhere.

Corey led me through the vast lawn of the manor. The sun was slowly rising, turning the sky a pale blue.

There were several cops on the scene but no one stopped us as we walked out of the main gates of the estate.

“Where are we going?” I asked.