Page 183 of Steel Queen

“Good. It’ll be easier to find them, then.”

I doubted it’d be that easy though. Even though we knew our way around the front lawn, we didn’t know anything about the inner halls of the manor.

Most likely, Luke hid Milla and Noah in a place that wasn’t accessible to outsiders.I’m going to beat the answer out of him if it’s needed, I decided, walking through the front doors of the manor’s entrance hall.

My gaze looked around the luxurious room, spotting Luke and his father in the corner. Wrapped in a deep, serious conversation, they didn’t even notice our presence.

Nick looked at them curiously, silently sizing them up.

Caleb didn’t wait at all. He stomped forward, his eyes burning with pure rage.

Luke and Bill didn’t even get the chance to prepare themselves as Caleb reached them. His hand shot forward, grabbing Luke by the throat and forcibly pulling him to his feet.

“What are you doing here?” Bill gasped as Caleb squeezed his son’s throat. He was about to help his son when his gaze fell on me and Nick.

“Who let you in?” Bill screamed, his ugly, wrinkling face turning a shade of crimson. “Guards!” he bellowed.

Beside him, Luke struggled against Caleb.

My brother looked like he had no intention of letting him go until he’d choked the life out of him. I felt the same rage as him but we had to remember not to stoop to the same level as the Becketts.

Reaching Caleb, I laid a hand on his shoulder. “Let him go, Cal.”

“He fucking touched Milla,” he barked in my face. “I’m going to kill him.”

“Milla will killyouif you make more trouble for her.”

The mention of her name seemed to trigger some sense in him. His hold loosened, allowing Luke to get away from him.

Falling to his knees, the bastard coughed and heaved, his hands desperately massaging his throat. It was satisfying to see him crawling at our feet.

Bending down, I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to his feet. “Where are they?” I asked.

He scoffed, his gray eyes lighting up with malice. “You’ll never find them.”

My fist crashed into his face.

“Let’s try that again, shall we?” I asked as his head rolled back. “Where’s Milla and Noah?”

He coughed, spitting a little blood.

“You won’t be walking out of this house tonight,” said Luke. “Dad’s going to make sure we bury each of you Amhurst brothers. As for your whore, she’s going to be sucking my cock for the rest of her life.”

I punched him again. The blow was hard enough to knock him to the floor.

“Where’s his dad?” Caleb asked while I bent down to beat the bastard some more.

“What?” I asked distractedly, my gaze still locked on Luke.

“Bill’s gone. So is Nick.”

I looked around the vast room but couldn’t find any of them.

“He’s getting away!” Caleb’s voice made me turn around.

Luke took the opportunity to run toward the door, shouting for help.

Reaching the front courtyard, he shouted at the men walking around. They all stared at him but no one made a move to do anything as he cursed at them.