Page 180 of Steel Queen

“Yeah, we’re on Elkhorn Road. The car’s absolutely fine. Noah and Milla didn’t get into an accident. From the way it looks, I feel that they were forced to get out of their cars. Did you find anything about the car and the trucks that left this area?”

“The car belongs to Luke David Beckett,” said Murray. “Any idea who that could be?”



“Luke Beckett is Bill Beckett’s son,” I told him while my mind screamed in panic. “They’re the owners of Beckett Industries. They’re our top competitors and tried their best to sabotage our Eastern Corridor project. Milla found a way against all odds to make things work for us. Maybe that’s what’s triggered them to hurt her.”

“The cops need to get in here at once!” Corey shouted. “Who knows what that bastard’s already done to them.”

“Hold on,” said Murray. “I don’t have the authority to dispatch a force to their residence. At the best, I can ask one of my patrolling friends to take a look but most probably, they won’t even be allowed inside their house without a warrant.”

“Fine. Get a warrant.”

“We need concrete proof of their involvement to get a warrant,” said Murray. “All we’ve got is some circumstantial evidence at best. It’ll be difficult to get a warrant to search the premises. Maybe a good lawyer might be helpful—”

Corey tapped on the phone’s screen, switching off the call.

“What the fuck,” I shouted, shoving him. “He was telling us what to do!”

“Murray’s not going to be of any help,” Corey said in a grim tone. “We’ll have to wait until the morning to get a warrant if we can even manage one.”

“So, what do we do? We can’t give up on finding them. Who knows what they’ve already gone through—”

Corey raised a hand, making me pause.

“Civella,” said Corey.


“The cops will be useless to us,” he explained. “Without a warrant, they won’t even get past the security at their gates. We need someone who works outside the law. We need Civella.”

“You think he’ll help?”

“He wouldn’t have cared if it’d just been Noah, but Milla was taken too. What happens to Irene if Milla’s gone? He might be a mob boss but the man loves his niece. He’ll save Milla for her sake.”

“It’s worth a shot,” I said. Taking my phone, I dialed Nick Civella’s private number.

I waited with bated breath as his phone started ringing.

“Who’s this?” a gruff voice answered me.

“Mr. Civella?”

A grunt came as a reply. I’d probably woken the man from sleep.

“This is Caleb Amhurst,” I said. “Milla’s—Azalea’s partner.”

“What is this about?” Civella’s grim voice was clearer. He sounded wide awake now. “Has something happened to Irene?”

“No, she’s safe at home,” I replied. “It’s Azalea who’s in trouble.”


“She’s missing,” I said, my voice getting frantic. “We believe she’s been kidnapped by the Becketts. They’re our competitors but calling them enemies would be better.”

A heavy breath escaped him. “I should’ve warned her,” he said in a grim tone. “The Becketts have been trying to reach me. They’ve been offering me money to side with them. My refusal must’ve made them desperate. I should’ve seen this coming.”