“Honk,” I said, feeling a hint of annoyance. “They’re blocking us.”
The doors of the trucks opened and gangs of black-clad men poured out.
Noah turned around. “Shit! They’ve blocked us both ways.”
I turned around as well, noticing how three more trucks blocked our way, cutting any way of escape. Our car was trapped between them.
Wewere trapped between them.
“Get out, Milla,” Noah hissed, his fingers gripping the steering wheel hard.
“It’s not safe. I’ll hold them back but you’ve got to get away.” Panic was written all over his beautiful face as he gazed at me. “Don’t let them catch you.”
“What are you—”
Noah leaned over me, unstrapped my seatbelt, and opened the door to my side. “Go!” he shouted.
I looked toward the small army of men coming our way from the front. For the first time, I noticed their deathly glares and the massive baseball clubs they carried.
“What about you?” I whispered urgently.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “They’re after you. Go now, Milla.” He shoved me, the powerful force enough to throw me out the open door.
Scrambling up, I looked toward the men who were dangerously close now.
As soon as they saw me, they started running toward me.
Stepping away, I realized what was happening. They were all here to capture me or worse, kill me.
Turning away, I ran as fast as my legs would allow.
Who could do this? Who’d want to hurt me and Noah? Only one name rang in my head as stomping footsteps followed right behind me.
Luke fucking Beckett.
The sound of a revving car sounded behind me. Hoping it was Noah, I turned around, hoping to jump inside the car and let him drive us away somehow. Or at the very least, we could lock ourselves in the car and call for help.
At least, we’d be able to stay together, I thought.Running away on my own is just stupid.
To my relief, itwasNoah’s car, cutting through the mob of black-clad men who’d almost closed in on me. I poised, ready to bound into the moving car when someone’s arm circled my waist, pulling me backward.
“Let go!” I shouted, struggling against the person.
“Calm down,Milla,” said a mocking voice in my ear. There was a familiar note to it.
Luke, my mind whispered.
His other arm came around my chest, his fingers grabbing onto my shoulder, rendering me incapable of breaking free from his hold.
Several men surrounded us as Noah’s car came to a stop before us.
I stared at Noah with wide, fear-filled eyes.