Page 125 of Steel Queen

It was close to four P.M. when a knock sounded on my door.

“Come in,” I called without even looking up from my laptop’s screen.

The heavy shuffle of shoes made me look up. Corey and Caleb marched across the room, their handsome faces displaying identical disgruntled expressions.

“What the hell, Milla?” Corey demanded, reaching my desk.

“Why is it only now that we’re hearing about last night’s accident?” Caleb asked without missing a beat.

“Why didn’t you call us?” Corey demanded.

“You could’ve let us know this morning,” said Caleb, his emerald eyes burning with anger. “Don’t you think we deserve to know if you’re in danger.”

“Stop!” I said, putting up my hands.

“Why the heck didn’t you tell us anything?” Corey shouted, staring at me with such an intensity that my heart started pounding in my chest.

I was a little too familiar with that look. It was the expression that chilled my skin, and reminded me of the torment he could unleash on me.

Caleb swiped a powerful arm across my table, breaking through piles of folders and papers. I jumped off my chair as he laid waste to the table, scattering everything on the floor.

I was so engrossed in watching Caleb’s enraged display that I didn’t notice Corey creeping up on me.

Hard fingers wrapped around my upper arm, reminding me of the second predator in the room.

I tried to step away from him, but he pulled me closer against him.

“Do you still want to run away?” Corey asked in a rough voice, his intense gaze boring into me. “Aren’t you done making pussies out of us yet?”


Words remained stuck in my throat as I struggled to come up with an explanation that would calm them down. Noah and I planned to call Corey and Caleb in the morning but it’d been so easy to call for a cab at the motel that we decided not to bother them.

We didn’t see Corey and Caleb at home, so only Brian knew about our misadventures last night.Did they come to know about it from him? I wondered as Corey’s hot breath fanned my face.

Caleb strode forward, grabbing hold of my wrist and wrenching me away from his brother.

“I’m sorry, okay?” I said in a nervous voice. “I was planning on telling you guys later today.”

“You should’ve called last night. Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been since you decided to negotiate with that fucking mobster?”

I caught a glimpse of concern behind the rage in his eyes. It was all I needed to get back control of the situation.

Corey and Caleb weren’t here to hurt me. Their anger was stemming from a place of love, not hate.

“You’re right,” I said in a calmer voice and stopped struggling against him. “We should’ve called you last night. It’s just...” I glanced toward Corey with an apologetic look. “We were both exhausted. Our bodies hurt from the collision. We even had to walk in that condition to find a motel in the dead of night. Of course, we wanted to call for help but our phones weren’t receiving any signal. They started working only after we reached the motel and by then, we were beat.”

“You were hurt?” Caleb asked in a worried voice. His anger was starting to cool already.

“Yeah,” I said. “It was so late and we were so exhausted, Noah and I decided to grab a room and get some rest for the night. We needed it.”

“You should’ve called in the morning, then,” said Corey.

“I know but we were feeling better. We easily got a cab to take us home, so we didn’t want to bother you guys. We’d have talked to you guys later today. There’s no way we’d keep something like this to ourselves.”

With a sudden move, Caleb wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. “Thank fuck,” he whispered.

I couldn’t help but smile.