Reaching him, I asked, “Want me to hold some of that?”
“Just grab the key from my shirt pocket.”
Moving closer, I glanced up into his eyes. Those cool, silver orbs gave nothing away. My body nearly pressed into his as I slowly reached up inside his pocket.
Enjoying the hardness of his chest, I let my hand linger on his left pec.
“Did you find the key?” Noah asked.
“Got it,” I said and forced myself to move away from him.Get a hold of yourself, I chided in my head.Stop molesting the man.
Glancing down at the keycard, I noted the room number.
Together, we walked down the long hallway until we reached our room.
A strong smell of paint and cement lingered here.
Hoping the room didn’t smell like a renovation site, I opened the door.
To my surprise, the room wasn’t too shabby. A modest bed took up most of the space. There was a small wardrobe in the corner and a TV set positioned right in front of the bed.
Noah stepped into the room and dropped his load on the bed.
“Are you going to snack on these?” I asked, eyeing the brightly colored candy bars.
“I was thirsty,” he said, breaking into a can of soda. “The rest are for you. Help yourself.”
“Thanks,” I said, picking up a Mars bar. “I can’t believe I want to eat this. I thought that massive dinner would’ve kept me going for days.”
A smile suddenly lit up his handsome face. “Crashing a car and dragging that hurt body in the middle of the night really takes it out of you, huh?”
“You’re right,” I said, greedily breaking into a packet of onion rings.
While I munched on the chips, Noah went into the bathroom. Sounds of shuffling boxes and plastic wrappings reached me through the open door.
A moment later, he came back with a folded-up towel. Sitting down beside me, he hooked a finger under my chin to make me look up at him.
While I stared into his silvery eyes, Noah’s gaze roved all over my face.
He touched the warm, damp towel on the side of my head.
“What are you doing?” I asked as he gently mopped at the spot.
“You’ve got a cut here,” he said. “I’m cleaning it up before you get an infection. It’s not deep, so this will do.” He tore into a bandaid strip and stuck it on the side of my forehead. “I don’t think it’ll scar.”
I wasn’t worried about one but his gesture sent warmth shooting through me. Even I’d forgotten about the cut.
Coming to think about it, my body didn’t ache so badly anymore. The quiet motel room made me feel safe and warm, or maybe it was Noah’s presence. Either way, I was very comfortable already.
Noah turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, stopping at a cooking show. He silently drank his soda while he attentively watched a guy wrap bacon over a piece of marinated chicken breast.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I took off my shoes. “They’re ruined,” I lamented. The fine red soles of my Louboutins were badly scratched up and torn. I’d been lucky they didn’t completely fall apart during my hike through the woods.
“I’ll ask Caleb to bring you shoes in the morning,” said Noah. Turning his back on the TV, he loosened the cuffs on his shirt and took off his belt.
The sight of him rolling up his sleeves distracted me from the loss of my shoes. Suddenly, I was hungrily watching him open his shirt buttons.
Noah completely took off his shirt, giving me a good glimpse of his delicious body. He didn’t even look at me as he climbed onto the bed and settled among the pillows.