Page 85 of Steel Queen

Leaning in, he laid a wet kiss on my cheek. “It was amazing to have herallto myself.” Winking like an idiot, he hurried after Milla, catching up to her in the distance.

“Asshole,” I muttered and stomped after them.

Corey chatted her up the whole way until we reached Dad’s room. I stayed quiet, struggling against the waves of jealousy.

Does Noah feel this way too?I suddenly wondered.

Corey and I grabbed our opportunities to be intimate with Milla all the time. Noah, though, always ended up annoying her.

Did he ever get jealous and curse us for missing his chance with her?

Entering the private ward behind Milla and Corey, I found Noah sitting near Dad’s bed. He raised his silvery eyes to look at us, inspecting each of us in turn.

“You guys came together?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Corey replied. “We’ve been together the whole afternoon.”

Curiosity, interest, and desire sparked in my brother’s eyes.

Poor bastard had been missing out on everything good in life.

“Something smells good,” said Dad.

“It’s one of your favorites,” said Milla. “Meatballs and pasta.”

I looked over at the man dressed in a pale blue hospital gown. It was hard to look upon him and not automatically think of him as ‘dad’.

Fuck!I cursed internally as heavy emotions surged through me.

“You’re still hurting,” said Dad, gazing at me and noticing the change in my mood. A pained look came over him. “I’m sorry, Caleb. Just know that things don’t have to change between us. You can go back to ignoring me if that’d make you feel better.”

A painful tightness choked my throat. So, I shook my head.

Corey grabbed my hand and squeezed hard.

I looked up into his shimmering green eyes, so similar to mine. At least, he was real. My other half. My twin brother.

“You’ve worried about us our whole life,” Noah said in a gentle tone. “It’s time we pulled ourselves together and looked after you.”

Dad’s blue eyes, so similar to Milla’s, suddenly shone with tears.

“It’s our turn to care for you,” I said, giving voice to my feelings. “We won’t be so bratty anymore.”

Dad chuckled. “I liked it better when you were being brats. It’s easier to have you be angry at me than feel sorry for me.”

Milla stayed quiet, silently ladling out pasta onto paper plates. The smell of spices and melted cheese hung over us, washing away our sadness and replacing it with hunger and warmth.

“I can’t wait to dig in,” said Corey, bringing out a spoon from inside Milla’s bag. “Are you sure it’s okay for him to have this though?”

Milla handed him his plate.

“It’s okay for him to have lean meat like turkey,” said Milla as she gave me a plate too. “I snuck in some vegetables in the sauce as well. It’s all healthy.”

Taking a spoon, I dug into my plate of pasta.

A single bite was enough to make me moan out and shovel several more spoonfuls into my mouth. The pasta was well-cooked and smothered in sauce, just the way I liked it.

Stabbing a meatball with my fork, I took a large bite.