“Noah,” Corey shouted. “Call 911!”
“On it,” Noah said with his phone at his ear.
I could tell Brian was suffering from some kind of attack.
Fear swirled inside me, but curiosity also probed my mind. What did he mean when he said I was his real biological daughter?
It couldn’t be true. Not after everything that happened between me and them...
Noah was talking fast on the phone, explaining the situation to someone on the other end. Corey and Caleb were by my side, trying to get their father to talk.
I looked down at Brian’s pain-struck face. His skin was steadily turning blue.
“I don’t think he can breathe,” I whispered as ice flowed through my veins. “We can’t wait for an ambulance to get here. We’ve got to take him to an emergency room right now.”
“Fuck! She’s right,” Caleb hissed. “Grab his shoulders,” he instructed, gesturing at Corey. “I’ll take his feet.” He turned his face toward me. “What are you still doing here, Milla? Get the car started.”
I was on my feet at once. My mind churned, fighting through the haze of alcohol slowing all my reflexes.
I have to save Brian, I thought desperately as I ran down the hall.I need him. He can’t leave me. Not yet.
The late evening ride to the hospital was a quick one. Thankfully, there was plenty of help at Brian’s house, so we got him out without wasting any time.
Corey and I huddled with Brian in the backseat while Caleb sat with Hubert in the front. Since all three of us were drunk, we let the trusty valet drive us to the hospital.
Noah followed us in a different car, never losing sight of us as we navigated through the traffic.
Even though I couldn’t see him, I was sure Noah was as affected as me by what Brian said before collapsing. If I was truly his daughter, then Noah, Corey, and Caleb would be my half-brothers.
As if our relationship hadn’t been complicated enough in the past, it was bordering on incest-level taboo.
A shudder ran through me each time the thought crossed my mind.
The emergency ward at St. Nikolas’s admitted Brian without much fuss. He was a regular patron and usually went there for his checkups, so they maintained a record of his medical history.
The four of us watched a team of paramedics wheel Brian through a door. He lay still on the stretcher but we knew he was conscious. All through the ride, he’d tried to move his lips to say something to us but failed each time.
A part of me wanted to take my phone out and search for the reason behind his sudden collapse. Google was sure to have the answers but I was a coward.
I was too scared to know.
Please let him be okay, I silently prayed.
At this moment, I didn’t even care whether he was my actual dad or not. I just wanted him to get well and come back to me again.
“Hey,” Corey said in a gentle voice. “The docs will take care of him.”
“I know,” I said with a nod. “It’s just hard to see him like that.”
Wrapping an arm around my shoulder, he led me toward a row of plastic seats. Caleb and Noah were already huddled together in the distance, their faces hidden in shadows as they quietly spoke to each other.
I sat with Corey and looked around the other anxious-faced visitors in the emergency section. Suddenly, the color of the tiles, the walls, and the hospital’s name triggered up an old memory.