Page 198 of Steel Queen

Warmth spread through my chest.

Moving toward her, I hugged her to my chest and kissed her cheeks. “Thank you.”

“For what?” she asked innocently.

“For being you.”

“Who else could I be?” she asked with an amused look. “You say such silly things, Mom.”

She turned away, facing the mirror to make sure her tiara was perched perfectly on her head.

Kissing the top of her head, I moved away. Irene remained completely oblivious to the emotions she made me feel. She was already a daughter to me.

I might have children in the far future but Irene would always be my one and only princess to rule my heart.



I stared at the breakfast tray with distaste. It’d been three days since I was brought to the hospital but they still didn’t change the menu.

I looked at the oatmeal, a bowl of cut fruits, a glass of juice and two hard-boiled eggs, wishing I could be home already.

“You should finish your breakfast or the food will get cold,” said the middle-aged nurse in pink scrubs.

“Isn’t there anything else to eat here?” I asked, craving for some hot pancakes.

The lady moved toward my bed and placed a small plastic pudding cup on my breakfast tray. “There you go. Dessert.”

I stared at the white cup before looking up at her.

She backed up a little. “Vanilla’s all we’ve got.”

“Take it away,” I said.

“Come now,” she coaxed. “You’ve got to eat. Don’t you want to go home sooner?” She laid a hand on my shoulder and smiled broadly, displaying her yellowed teeth. “I’m free right now, so I can give you a bath. Just hurry up with your breakfast, Mr. Amhurst, and then we’ll smarten you up for your family.”

“I don’t need anyone to give me a bath,” I grit out.

To my horror, the woman rubbed her breasts against me, and continued smiling creepily.

I was on the verge of pushing her away when the door to the room slid open.

Milla halted at the threshold, her gaze falling on me and the woman who was stuck to me. It was subtle but I didn’t miss the sharp flash in her eyes.

“Noah!” a high-pitched, excited voice sounded next.

Irene ran past Milla, crossing the room to reach me. She easily pushed the nurse away and climbed up on the bed beside me.

A smile rose on my lips at once. “Hey, sweetheart,” I said, looking at the happy grin on her face.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she said. Her gaze roved all over my face and the hospital gown I was wearing. Her smile dimmed. “What happened to you? Why do you look sick?”

“I’m not sick. I just hurt my shoulder a little,” I said, gesturing to my left shoulder. The gown covered the heavily bandaged area, so Irene didn’t know the extent of the injury.

“Give him some room, honey,” said Caleb as he came close to my bedside. Bending, he took the breakfast tray off the small table that’d been placed before me. “Is this what you’ve been getting to eat here?” he said, making a face at the food. “No wonder she thinks you’re sick.”

The nurse’s face darkened as Caleb thrust the tray in her hands.