But my life isn’t a rom-com, and it never will be. That ship sailed long before Geordie came along.
Besides, standing within arm’s length of Geordie does less for me than just glancing across the room at Jonah Marks.
Again I look toward the corner where I saw Jonah last, but he’s not there. Did he leave the party already?
If he did, I ought to feel relieved. I don’t.
Time to focus on Geordie again. “Good for you,” I tell him, meaning it.
We chitchat about his time in Miami for a while, then go our own ways within the party. I manage to dodge Arturo’s old roommate, Mack, who always stares at my tits; he’s one of those jocks with a thick neck and square head, like a canned ham in a Longhorns T-shirt. For a while I get to talk with Kip, the department secretary in my section of the art department, but then he receives some urgent text that sucks him into the cell phone dead zone. Mostly, even though I ought to be mingling and meeting new people, I hang out with Carmen. We’re best friends for a reason, and besides, she has a new crush to describe in detail.
As for my crush—if you can use such an innocent word for what Jonah Marks does to me—I refuse to let myself look for him again. Nor does he seek me out. Either Jonah’s on the patio or he blew out of here early, because I don’t see him once.
What I do see is Geordie going back for a third glass of sangria.
And a fourth.
And a fifth. That’s assuming I didn’t miss any refills, and I might have.
It’s on the fifth sangria that Geordie stumbles into the coffee table. A few people’s drinks slosh onto the carpet, which makes Carmen swear under her breath; one of the candles rocks but doesn’t fall over to start a fire. Barely.
People laugh, but there’s an edge to it. Geordie’s drunker than anyone else at this party, by far.
“Hey,” I say to him as gently as I can. “Let’s get you some air. ”
Even as she dabs paper towels against her carpet, Carmen defends Geordie. “It’s all right! The rug’s dark. It won’t even show. ”
“No, Viv’s right. She’s right. ” Geordie must be smashed; otherwise he’d never risk my wrath by calling me Viv. “We should all listen to—to Viv—a little more often. ”
I get up and sling one of his arms around my shoulders. If he or anybody else misinterprets this, it’s on them.
“Why don’t I listen to you more?” Geordie stumbles against me, but I manage to keep us upright. “You’re always so smart. ”
“That’s me. The genius. Come on. ”
With my free hand I slide the glass door open and guide him onto the brick patio. Only a few people linger out there now, and I pay attention to none of them. Instead I get Geordie to the ice chest, where—amid several bottles of beer—I find a Dasani for him.
“Drink this, okay? You need to drink nothing but water the rest of the night. You should eat something too. ”
Geordie clasps the bottle of water, but he doesn’t take a sip. Instead he gives me this sad smile. “I should’ve tried harder with you. I should’ve made it work. ”
Is he going to cry? Damn, Geordie’s a sloppy drunk.
He just keeps talking. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be the partner you wanted me to be. ”
“It’s okay. Really. Please drink some water. ” I prop him against the patio table. Around us, a few people are snickering at Geordie; I’m still loyal enough to feel angry on his behalf.
“I mean, it’s for the best. I know that. I do. But it hurts sometimes, doesn’t it?” Geordie’s slurring now. “We should’ve had more fun while we could. ”
“Less fun,” I say. “More water. ”
Finally Geordie takes a sip, but it doesn’t shut him up for long. “I just couldn’t do that for you. Any of it. And, oh my God, I feel so bad about the rape thing—”
He did not say that. He did not start talking about this in public, at a party, with strangers standing around listening.
Except he did.
My face goes cold with shock, then hot with shame, as Geordie continues. “I mean, kink yay, right? Everybody should love kinks. And you get to have yours! You do. But it’s not my kink. At all. Playing rapist freaks me out. But I shouldn’t have been such a dumb cunt about it. ”
“We’re not discussing this here,” I manage to say. “Please stop. ”
It hits Geordie then, where we are and what he’s done. The impact gets through all the booze. He sucks in a breath. “Oh, fuck. ”