Page 45 of Bedroom King

Gorgeous, provocatively dressed cheerleaders whose only job was to get the fans riled up.

The thought of sleeping with anyone other than Isabella didn’t appeal to me, but that didn’t mean I was ready for a relationship. With relationships came responsibilities. Between college football, taking care of the guys at Omicron Alpha, and studying for school, where would I find the time to be Isabella’s boyfriend? Sex without strings attached was already taking up enough of my time as it was. I didn’t need to be available at all hours of the day and night. When you’re with someone, you’re expected to be available.

A guy I recognized came jogging down the path, but it wasn’t until we were face to face that I remembered his name. “Kevin, what’s up, bro?”

He pulled me in for a half-hug. “Not much, man. What brings you to the park today?”

“Meeting my tutor. You?”

Kevin lowered his sunglasses to get a better view of the girls as they walked by. “Just getting in a little exercise, along with appreciating the view. Did you see the asses on those chicks?”

I gave an approving nod, even though they paled in comparison to Isabella’s ass. “Very nice. Gonna hit them up?”

“Nah, they seem like the eager type. You know, the ones looking for that MRS degree.”

College campuses across the country were inundated with those types of girls whose only purpose of going to college was to land a husband. Not that I was knocking their game. In any other world, I could have been the kind of guy going to college to land a smoking hot wife.

“Yeah, you don’t need that in your life.”

“I’ve been hooking up with college girls long enough to know which ones to avoid. Hell, the only reason I’ll ever get married is to look good on paper.”

Kevin was on his way to earning a law degree. He planned on pursuing a job in government, which just seemed to be the most boring job in existence. Different folks, different strokes, I supposed.

“So, even when you get married, you’ll still fool around?” I questioned.

He patted my left shoulder a little too hard.” You know how it is, man. Hell, don’t they call you The Bedroom King?”

“So I’m told, bro. So I’m told.”

Kevin bent over, stretching his hands over his toes. It was clear that he was doing it just to show off for another set of girls coming our way. “Who’s your tutor, anyway?”

“Isabella Dayton.”

He whistled so loudly that the girls turned around, but instead of explaining the mix-up, Kevin ate the attention and waved at them. “That is one fine piece of ass, Blade. Also highly unattainable. Is she still with that douchebag back in Westfield?”

“I’m not sure,” I lied straight through my teeth. “We really only talk about classes.”

“Yeah, right.” Kevin, like Aiden, wasn’t buying it. He punched me squarely in the chest. “Come on, bro. Are you trying to hit it? Or do I have a shot?”

I had the urge to punch Kevin right in the face, talking about Isabella as though she were another easy lay. Then, I remembered that I was just like him. Or maybe I was a changed man? I couldn’t have been sure. All I knew was that something was different.

A breeze blew Isabella’s perfume in our direction before I could answer him, though, causing my cock and balls to stand at attention.

“Hey, guys.”

Kevin waved at Isabella as she sat down at the picnic table, pulling out her books.

“Hey, Isabella,” I said, gesturing to Kevin. “This is Kevin.”

“We’ve met a few times at parties.”

There was a particular look in Kevin’s eyes. I’d seen it countless times before. He was mentally undressing her as another breeze caused her sweatshirt to ripple, the fabric clinging to her breasts. “You’ve been hitting them hard lately. What gives?”

She blushed and began twirling her hair, clearly eating up the attention. “Eh, it’s my senior year. I figured it’s time to enjoy college life a little bit.”

“Well, good for you, girl. Are you still going out with that guy?” He cocked his gaze to me with a shit-eating grin. “What’s his name, Jason?”

Isabella visibly tensed up, and so did I, but Kevin was too aroused by her to notice.