Page 75 of Bedroom King

The pizza guy showed up at seven o’clock, exactly half an hour before Isabella was due to arrive. She called me right after I put it in the oven to keep warm.

“Hey, babe. How was work?”

She sobbed uncontrollably through the phone. “This was all for some stupid bet? Is that all I am to you? A fucking bet?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Don’t lie to me. You made a bet with Aiden that you could get me into bed.”

My world began to crumble around me. It’s like I could see the foundation cracking and the walls collapsing as I sunk into the kitchen chair, clutching my cell phone so hard that I thought it’d break.

“Isabella, please calm down and let me explain!”

“No! And now we’re only back together so you can graduate next year. Congratulations, Blade. Not only did you win your bet, you also get to pass your classes. Well, I’m done. I’m not doing it. You can find another tutor and you can find another girl to screw over.”

I jumped to my feet and began packing back and forth, trying to think of the right words to say but there were no right words. Half of what she was saying was the truth. “Okay, look, yes, Aiden and I had a bet. And it was a stupid fucking bet that I never should have made.”

“I am so humiliated. How could I be so stupid?”

“You have to believe me.” I wanted to reach through the phone and hold her, comfort her, do whatever it took to convince her that wasn’t the case. But I was powerless, and all I could do was hope that my words were enough to make her believe me enough to let me actually talk to her. Just come over so we can talk this all out.”

Her voice grew cold as she stopped crying, the same way as when she’d ended things with Jason. I was standing there when it happened, and my gut screamed that she was about to do the same thing to me.

“No, Blade. You may have won that bet with Aiden, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna help you graduate from Exley. Goodbye.”