I pulled it up on my tablet and showed it to her, laughing as her eyes bugged out at some of the men.

“Listen to this asshole,” she said. “Graduated from Harvard Law School, enjoys horseback riding and playing golf, and looking to meet his own Kate Middleton. The guy looks like an epic douchebag, Michelle! Your father can’t possibly be serious.”

I took the tablet back and tossed it into one of my suitcases. “Oh, my father is serious, all right. It’s either a guy from that website or someone he knows that’s around my age.”

“Patrick Davidson is your age,” Elaina reminded me. “Nothing says ‘true love’ like marrying a capitalist who just got out of jail for tax evasion.”

I let out another sigh and closed my eyes. “What about Gabriel Stevenson? We can’t forget about the asshole who stole his best friend’s business plan and became an overnight millionaire. There’s also Bradley Burns, who owns a hedge fund that’s involved in money laundering.”

“Just hearing those names dries me right up.”

I shot her a shocked look, even though Elaina was known for her sarcasm.

“Tell me it doesn’t do the same to you?” She asked.

She wasn’t wrong, and those were just a few of the guys whose names we could remember. My father had a slew of them, all of whom wanted a piece of his business.

“Of course it does,” I replied. “That’s why I don’t want to get married. If I were to date someone outside of my income bracket, the guys would only be after my money. Dating a guy within my income bracket means ending up with an arrogant asshole.”

“Your father isn’t one to back down, though, Michelle. Try as you might, I’m worried that he’ll succeed in finding you a husband just to help run the company. You know how he is.”

“Of course I do. Remember what happened with Nathan?”

Nathan and I had dated right after I graduated from college. Several media outlets claimed that he’d kept tabs on me for several years, and the second I joined my father’s company, that’s when he asked me out. I didn’t believe the media, though. Nathan had been such a great boyfriend, continually showering me with gifts and taking me on mini vacations.

“Your father paid him to break-up with you.”

Nathan had nothing to do with the family business, nor did he make a significant amount of money. After we broke up, I found out that he had dug himself into a large amount of debt with everything he’d bought me.

“He took the money, too. According to my father, Nathan didn’t even bat an eye.”

“You were too good for him anyway, Michelle.” Just knowing that men could be so heartless turned me off from them in general.

“I’m better off alone and with my vibrator.”

Both of us laughed.

“Did you pack it?”

“Of course. Didn’t you pack yours?”

“Never leave home without it. Who knows, though, Michelle. Maybe you’ll find a rich, Russian husband, and your father will get off of your case. I’d hate to think that every man will cash in so quickly.”

“Maybe,” I said while continuing to pack my bags. I was just happy to have Elaina with me on this trip, even though I was technically her boss. You wouldn’t know it by the way we acted together, though. You’d think that it was the other way around.

Ever since we first met, Elaina had always looked out for me. Maybe it was because she saw how controlling my father was, or that I was constantly switching from ‘businesswoman’ to being more like my mother, but she often got me out of tense situations. There were times when I didn’t need her at work, but she still showed up and watched over me.

She was like my living guardian angel.

I also knew that she hated to be away from me for long periods. Having grown up an only child, like me, she longed to have a sister.

“Or maybe both of us could find a wealthy Russian husband and never have to come back to the United States!”

“Aside from having to work under my father,” I said, “would you seriously be all right with never living in this country again?” She shrugged her shoulders.

“I think it’s a bit overrated. Once you’ve had New York pizza, cheese from the midwest, and Mexican food down in Texas, it’s time for a change.”

She was referencing our vacation immediately following college graduation, where we traveled the country in a van. My father didn’t approve of it at all, but he caved in a little bit when I reminded him that it’d be a long time before I’d get to go on another one.

“Well, I’m eager to see what kind of food Russia has, that’s for sure.”

She knew that by ‘food’ I meant men.