Page 5 of 7 Nights of Sin

I sighed again. "Okay. So what's the plan, then?"

Kathleen always had a plan. That was one of the things I liked best about her. She didn't let shit drag out.

"PR," she said. "I've looked into a few firms and found one that seems promising. They're going to have a publicist contact me after they've done some digging."

That didn't sound so bad. "So they're going to what, fix my image?"

"Something like that. And I swear to god, Kevin, you had better work with whoever they send. This is serious."

"Yeah, I get that it's serious, Kath. Okay? I do. I am taking this seriously."

She narrowed her eyes at me like she didn't quite believe I was telling the truth, and then sighed. "Look. I know it's probably not easy to find out your ex-wife is accusing you of things like this—"

"I don't give a shit about what she says," I cut in. "I care about what it's going to do."

"Right," Kathleen replied, again looking like she didn't believe me. "Well, whatever. Just stay out of trouble until the publicist can get in contact with you."

"Fine," I said. "I can do that. But I have some rules for this publicist. I don't need someone else digging through my life trying to drag shit up."

"Fuck your rules," Kathleen retorted. "Whatever they have to do to fix this, they can do. I'm giving them carte blanche."

"Great. Thanks so much," I said, deadpan.

"You're fucking welcome. You're lucky I put up with your ungrateful ass."

"I am always grateful for you, Kath," I replied, flashing her a bright smile.

She just rolled her eyes and stalked out of the locker room, leaving me alone.

Once she was gone, I picked up the magazine again, actually flipping it open. I'd seen some choice quotes all over the internet and TV already, but a stupid, masochistic part of me wanted to read the whole thing and see what exactly Christine was saying.

She had always had a flair for the dramatic. She was a passable actress when it came to her work, but in every other aspect of her life, she was a diva. She would wheedle and manipulate, cry and lash out, doing whatever she had to do to get what she wanted.

Back when she’d wanted me, I'd been pretty damned helpless to resist her charms, but it hadn't taken long for me to realize she wasn't as wonderful as she wanted to seem.

'I loved him', Ms. Williams told me, a far-off look of wistful sadness in her eyes. 'I loved him so much. I thought he could do anything. I thought he would never hurt me. I wanted to be with him forever, but I knew I couldn't trust him. I just had to convince myself that I could leave him.’

I rolled my eyes and tore the magazine down the middle, throwing both halves into the trash with a glare.

If she had ever fucking loved me, I'd eat my bat.