I gofrom sleep to wakefulness in an instant. The clock on my nightstand says 5:59 a.m. Shutting off my alarm, I roll out of bed.
When I come out for breakfast, Tori’s already at the table. She has on a pair of pajamas that I gave Eden last Christmas … and no robe. But the PJs are comfortably loose, so my cock twitches but doesn’t stand at attention.
I can’t help feeling a twinge of irritation, though. It’s been three days since I gave her my card, and she’s still wearing my daughter’s clothes. It bothers me more than I can put into words that she has almost nothing … but even more disturbing is the way I want to give her everything.
Since she moved in, I’ve been doing my best to avoid her, but it hasn’t helped. With every day that passes, I want her more. Knowing how wrong it is doesn’t change my feelings one bit.
There’s food on the table: scrambled eggs, bacon, sliced avocado, and whole wheat toast. I grunt my thanks at her. We eat in silence until Eden joins us, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
My girl’s a night owl, always has been. She blinks at the food. “Did you cook?” she asks me. I shake my head and she turns to her friend. “Thanks!”
Tori hitches her shoulder in a half-shrug. “I was up.”
I’m tempted to ask her if she’s sleeping okay, but stifle the impulse. Once I’ve eaten, I clear my place and then go into my home office. Booting up my desktop, I check the balance on the credit card.
As I suspected, there haven’t been any charges. Stubborn girl. I go back to the kitchen. Eden’s disappeared back to her room, and Tori’s washing dishes in the sink.
I get another flash of irritation. “We have a housekeeper.” Tori stiffens, but doesn’t respond. I try to lighten my tone. “If you keep doing her job, she’s going to get a complex.”
She finishes rinsing the last plate and sets it carefully in the drainer. “I’m used to doing things for myself.” Her voice is soft, but I don’t hear any trace of apology.
“Please come see me in my office before you go.” I don’t trust myself to say anything else. Instead of getting ready – because I know she’ll slip out if I give her the chance – I go back to my office and do some work, waiting.
She joins me a few minutes later, dressed for the day, looking for all the world like she’s been called in to see the principal. In an instant, the image fills my mind: Tori lying across my lap, her ass bare, her skin turning pink from my hand.
That’s all it takes for my cock to come roaring to life. Good thing I put a robe on over my own pajamas. Forcing my mind back on track, I say, “You haven’t used the card.”
“No, sir.”
The sir only feeds the fantasy I’m desperately trying to suppress. “I told you to call me Ashton. Why haven’t you used the card?” She doesn’t answer. “Why, Tori? I know there are things you need.”
“Mr. Drake.” Her voice is very soft now, but I don’t miss the determination in it, or her deliberate use of my surname. “I’m not going to do anything to make you resent my presence here any more than you already do.”
“Resent it?” Even though I know it’s my own damn fault, the accusation rankles. “That’s not true.”
“We both know it is. That you only said yes for Eden’s sake.” She hesitates, then goes on. “I know you don’t like me. I’m not sure why, but I can only promise you I have no intention of taking advantage of you, or Eden, or this whole situation.”
God help me, I want to grab her and show her just how wrong she is. “You’ve misunderstood me.”
Her chin comes up in silent defiance. Fuck, she’s magnificent. She pulls the card from her pocket, lays it silently on my desk, and goes out.
I watch her ass move and wish I could call her back. A few minutes later, she and Eden go by, and then they’re gone and I’m alone in the apartment.
What can I do to convince Tori she’s welcome here? Not as welcome as I’d like to make her, but enough that she can start to relax and feel at home … and stop acting like she has to earn her keep by cooking and cleaning.
At the edge of my desk, the card catches the light. If Tori refuses to buy herself what she needs, then someone’s going to have to do it. She’s left me no choice.
Messaging Shane and my admin that I’ll be a few minutes late, I grab the card and go to get dressed. There are several boutiques, between here and work, where Eden likes to shop. I’ll just pick up a few things on the way.