Leaning over me, so my legs are sandwiched between our bodies, my feet up around my head, he starts to move. One hand curls around my shoulder, to hold me in place for his thrusts, while the other arm keeps most of his weight off me.
Ashton builds up speed until he’s drilling into me, hard and fast, and I’m crying out with every stroke, wordless sounds of ecstasy. He pummels me into oblivion, and when I come again he follows me over the edge, filling me up with his release.
A little more of his weight presses down on me while he gets his breath back. When he’s ready, he scoops me up and carries me into the master bath. As soon as he sets me down, I sink down onto the bench seat; my legs are like rubber.
Just what I wanted.
Hot water, soap, and steam lead us straight into more playtime, so by the time Ash dries me off and carries me to bed, I’m glorying in the feeling of being well used. I snuggle into him, already sleepy.
My final thought as I drift away is that I never want this to end.
* * *
A few days later,I ask him about Lisa. Ashton smiles. “She filed a restraining order and divorce papers two days ago.”
“Good for her. She’s still in the shelter?”
“Yes, but I’m helping her try to get into an apartment.” He stares at his plate. “It feels better, helping her, than practicing law has in years.”
I squeeze his hand. “Maybe you should do some more pro bono work. Shake things up a little.”
“Maybe.” Turning his hand, he laces his fingers with mine. “I have a client party to go to this Friday. I want you to come with me.”
My heart leaps. The more time I spend with Ash, the better we seem to get along. Not just the sex, but all the little everyday moments.
I can imagine spending my life with him … and I can’t imagine spending it with anyone else. Not anymore. I’m falling for him, and hard.
“I could do that,” I say, with a shy smile. The thought of meeting his fancy clients is intimidating, but I love that he wants me with him.
“I’ll introduce you as my daughter’s friend,” he says. “No worries there.”
I keep the smile on my face. We both knew when we started this that it would have to end when Eden got back. There’s no point telling him I wish he would claim me as his lover in front of everyone.
That I think I want forever with him.