Page 23 of Final Reckoning

As soon as she’s dressed and buckled in, I pull back onto the road. Judging from the clouds moving in overhead, we’ve got a storm coming. I want her safely home before it hits.

Otherwise, I’d take time out to give her the spanking she obviously needs. If Quinn Callahan thinks she’s gonna raise my kid by herself, she’s got another think coming. Arrangement, my ass.

Pregnant or not, I’m putting a ring on her finger.

* * *

It’searly afternoon when we get to town. We haven’t even made it to Callahan’s before I see Carlo’s guys patrolling. Kosta and Tonio have their private security out and about, too.

The bakery’s wrapped up tight, with security inside and out. Probably nowhere safer she could be right now. I park in the alley and stand behind Quinn while she knocks on the door.

A redhead opens it. This must be Brianna. She wraps her sister in her arms for a long hug, but her eyes are on me.

“We’ve got your purse,” she tells Quinn. “They dumped it in the alley. Go on in and talk to Jade; she’s been worried.”

Quinn does a half-turn toward me. “See you,” I tell her, letting my eyes carry the message that I don’t mean it as a pleasantry.

I get a chin lift, nothing more, before she goes inside. She’s still hurt, still angry. I can’t fix that, not right now.

Brianna pulls the door to, shutting herself outside with me. Her eyes flash. “If you hurt her, I’ll hunt you down myself.”

The woman means it, too. Lando’s made a good match. I lean down. “Your sister’s got some fool idea about letting me be a free man.”

Anger turns to surprised speculation. “Does she?”

“Yeah, and I don’t have time right now to explain things to her. Need you to keep her on an even keel till I get back.”

“I can do that.” She leans in. “Don’t you do anything stupid. I’d hate to have to voodoo your zombie corpse out of its grave just so I can kick your ass.”

Damn. These Callahan girls are something else. I’m looking forward to meeting Jade. “I’ll be careful; you do the same. He’s not finished yet.”

The look she gives me is very direct. “So finish him.”

“That’s the plan.”

I’m climbing into the SUV when my phone rings.