Page 10 of Final Reckoning

“I have to. If I disappear, so will he. He’ll know something’s up and go underground, be overseas before you can nab him. I can’t leave until the sting operation’s in full swing.”

He sighs. “Fuck. I know you’re right, but I don’t like it.”

“Neither do I.” The itching between my shoulder blades might be my own paranoia … or not. “How soon can the task force get everything set?”

“I’ll call our FBI contact tomorrow. This isn’t his first rodeo. He won’t dick around when I tell him we’ve got to move.”

“Good. Watch your back, Lieutenant. This guy’s crazy enough to go after cops if he gets wind of anything.”

“Don’t worry about us. Keep your head down until I give you the word and you can clear the fuck out of there.”

* * *

On the way back,my sense of danger gets stronger. Instead of going straight to the house, I park some distance away and scout the area on foot. It takes me an hour to get close.

Logging into my security system with my phone, I check the surveillance. Everything looks normal, with no signs of tampering or visitors. But I can’t shake that uneasy feeling.

Retreating to my bike, I drive to another part of town and pay cash for a cheap motel room. I lie down on the bed fully clothed, gun under my pillow, and try to get some sleep. It takes a while before I can will my eyes to close and my brain to shut down.

* * *

The burner phonestartles me awake. I look at the readout; it’s Lando. Good thing, since no one else but Garcia has ever gotten a call from this number.

“Yeah.” No point giving myself away in case it’s not him.

But it is. And his words turn my blood to ice.

“They’ve got Quinn.”