“Fuck,”I snarl. The fact that I’d much rather ignore my hot lead in favor of finishing what Bree and I just started sets off all sorts of alarm bells.
Her eyes are glazed, her lips swollen from our kiss, her pussy still clenching around my fingers. I leave my hand there, inside her, because I can’t bring myself to stop touching her yet, and snag my phone with my other hand. “Adamo.”
“I thought you were coming over to talk to this guy.”
Miller sounds irate, and I don’t blame her. “I got held up. Be there soon.”
Brianna tugs at my wrist. Instead of pulling my hand away, I flick my thumb over her clit. She gasps, her head going back.
“What was that?” Miller says. “Where are you?”
I hit the mute button on my phone, to stop any sound transmitting from my end. My thumb goes to town on Bree’s hard little button as my fingers start fucking her again. Three seconds later, she convulses, her hips jerking, and I seal my mouth over hers while she comes like a rocket.
She doesn’t know my phone is muted. The fact that she’s coming for me, like this, while we’re parked on the side of the road downtown, is so fucking hot I’m about to blow my load right here. It takes a supreme effort of will to hold the phone to my ear again.
I manage it just in time to hear Miller say, “He’s gonna rabbit if you don’t show soon. I got no way to keep him here.”
“Threaten him with anything you can think of, but don’t let him leave. I’ll be there.”
Ending the call, I touch my forehead to Bree’s. “I gotta go do this thing.”
“Lan …” she whispers. I can see the unspoken question in her eyes, the wordless plea. Hunger rages through me.
“I don’t have time to drop you at my place. I’ll have to bring you with me.” Her face brightens and I lean close. “You are not going to participate.”
“I’ll be good,” she says immediately.
Slowly, reluctantly, I pull my fingers free of her. When I lick them clean, she shivers. “You’re killing me, Lan. I want your cock in my mouth.”
Fuck; that almost finishes me. “Save that thought; I promise we’ll come back to it.”
As I start the truck, my gaze goes across the Revved parking lot. The corner booth where my cousins are sitting has a clear view of where we’re parked, and they’re not even pretending not to watch. Good thing there were no lights on in the cab.
Putting the truck in gear, I haul ass to a shabby little diner in one of the bleaker corners of town. I don’t like bringing Bree here, but I couldn’t risk the witness running.
“I’m not sure how long this will take,” I tell Bree when we get there. “Could be nothing, could be something. We’ll go in together, but you’re going to sit on the opposite side of the place and pretend you don’t know me.”
I pull out my wallet and hand her some money. “Get yourself something so you won’t look suspicious.” Rico told me she didn’t eat her pizza, which pisses me off. Not the expense, but the thought that she was that mad … or that upset.
She gives me a look. “I have money, Lando.”
“You’re here because of me. I’m buying.”
Bree takes the money without further argument, which is good because I like sparring with her, but I don’t have time for that shit right now. We go in and I send her in one direction while I go in the other, to the booth where Miller’s waiting with her weasel.
He’s a beady-eyed little guy who looks like he’s strung out on more than one kind of illegal substance. Both hands cradle the cup of coffee he’s nursing, surrounding the mug like he’s cold, even though he’s wearing several layers of clothing.
Detective Miller’s sitting opposite him with her own mug. The guy sees me coming and looks like he might piss himself. I slide into his side of the booth to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere, and a wave of body odor strong enough to fell an elephant hits me.
I take shallow breaths while Miller makes the introductions. “Detective Adamo, this is Jeeter. He’s got some information for you.”
His eyes skitter around the table, the room, landing everywhere but on me. “She said you could help me out.”
I glance at Miller; she’s got her poker face on. “Help you with what?”