Page 26 of Forbidden Heat

“I’d like that.” We go out together. “I haven’t felt any lack, with it being just me and Hunter; but it’d be nice to have a friend who understood.”

“Yes,” I agree. “It would.”

We’ve reached the dining room. As we go in, Lily gives my fingers a quick squeeze. I can feel Cam’s eyes on me, and I give him a small smile to let him know I’m all right.

It seems I’ve made a friend tonight. Maybe even two of them.

* * *

“She’s lovely,”Hunter says to me.

“Isn’t she?” We’re having after-dinner drinks in the front parlor. No need for the antiquated custom of splitting up men and women, so everyone is free to socialize.

Haley is playing hostess to perfection, being gracious and kind to all the guests, but I can tell she’s not loving it. That’s all right, because I’m not the bon vivant type myself. Occasional entertaining is more than enough.

Lily has been flitting around the room, talking with everyone, rejoining her husband, then setting out again. Every time she reaches Haley, she stops for a while, especially if Haley’s got a brief moment to herself. Then their conversation gets animated.

“It looks like those two have had a meeting of the minds,” I say.

“Yes, I think so.” After a beat, Hunter asks, “Is she the one?”

“She’s mine.” My mind goes back to that day I met Hunter for lunch and learned that his new intern, one Lily Whitaker, was driving him to distraction.

“But you haven’t made it official yet.”

“There’s a situation.” I give him a brief thumbnail sketch of Peter Morgan’s problems. “I want it out of the way first.”

Hunter says, sotto voce, “You’re hacking the mob?”

“Damn straight.” Unbeknownst to almost everyone, there aren’t many websites I can’t access, and my investigative skills and instincts are solid. It’s useful when researching investments, of course, but over the years it’s also turned into an unofficial sideline business of helping find missing persons. Including, as it happens, Lily Whitaker.

Right now, I’m gathering data that will back the mob into a corner and get them to leave Haley and her father alone. It’s slower going than usual, because mobsters tend to use low-tech means of storing and sharing information whenever possible. But I’m getting there.

“Let me know what I can do. Anything, Cam. You know that.”

“I know. Thanks, Hunter.”

The guests are starting to leave. It’s time to join Haley and finish up the party, and then I have some special late-night activities planned for her.

My girl has earned rewards.