Page 19 of Forbidden Heat



“Attention,”Haley repeats. She looks a little drunk. I want to pick her up, put her against the wall, and fuck her brains out right here and now.

“It yields a great many benefits,” I tell her. Like the way I’m cataloging every tiny response she makes to me. Building a database of information sounds boring -- but the more I know, the better I can pleasure her.

She’s giving me that look, the one that says her body is primed and ready for me. “I pay attention to you.”

“I know you do.” I slide my hands down to squeeze her ass, and she gives that sexy little moan. “Right now, I wish I was paying attention to you on your knees in front of me, with my cock in your mouth.”

Her pupils dilate and I curse the fuckwits who tried to nab her. If not for them, I’d take the day off and carry her upstairs to bed.

“I wish you were too,” she tells me. “I’d really like to pay attention to your cock.” It jerks in response.

I was going to give it a day or two before I took Haley to bed, to let things around here settle down; but waiting for the perfect time to do something can delay it indefinitely. Suddenly, holding back even a moment longer feels like too much. “Tonight.”

“Tonight,” she breathes. “I can’t wait.”

Neither can I. I’m tempted to work from home, but if I stay in the house I won’t be able to resist her. “I’ll see you for dinner.”

Haley gives me a sultry, mischievous smile. “Don’t be late. I’m going to have a real appetite worked up.”

At that, I have to pull her close for one final kiss. She tastes like mint and honey, and I lose myself in her, drinking in her sweetness with a hunger that’s never satisfied, but only grows deeper.

It’s a long while later when the sound of a throat being cleared intrudes. “Excuse me, sir,” Robert Jameson says. “There’s an urgent phone call for you.”

Haley looks dazed; I’m not sure she can stand up by herself. “Thank you, Robert. I’ll be there in a moment.” He nods and withdraws.

“Are you sure you have to go to work today?” Her throaty whisper melts my will. My security teams are on high alert; no one’s getting onto my property again until this situation is resolved. Things are safe enough for now.

I can take her upstairs and satisfy us both, then sort out this business with her father. “Let me see what this phone call is about,” I tell her. When I release her, cautiously, she sways. Scooping her up, I carry her into a nearby sitting room.

Depositing her gently on a loveseat, I say, “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay.” She gives me a luminous smile.

As I head for my office, I hope to hell whatever this call is doesn’t screw up my day.

* * *

“Come on, Cam,”Peter Morgan says over our secure line. “What else could I have done? I couldn’t tell all those clients I’d lost their money. It would have ruined me.”

“So instead, you laundered money for the mob. I don’t care how desperate you were, Peter; how could that possibly have seemed like a good idea?”

He sighs. “Desperation warps your brain, Cameron. Getting out from under that pressure feels like the only thing that matters.”

“Public disgrace is a walk in the park compared to the kind of pressure you’re under now,” I point out mercilessly. “How much are they into you for?”

“Fifty million. It let me cover the losses for my clients,” he says, as though that makes it okay. “It was better than running a shell game with the accounting.”

Humans have an amazing ability to rationalize even their most foolish behavior. “But now you can’t pay the mob back.”

“They won’t take payments. They’re demanding the entire amount, plus interest.”

“Why didn’t you come to me instead? I could have helped.”

“Me, go to my onetime protege, hat in hand? What would you have thought of me?”