Deep Piney Woods
When the doorto the study gives the little snick that means it’s unlocked, I stay where I am in the armchair. The last time that happened, I jumped up, ready to fling myself into Cameron’s arms, but it was Mrs. Jameson instead. Fortunately, I had my clothes back on by then.
She told me he’d be with me soon, but that was an hour ago. I tried the door after she left, but she’d locked it again. And she wouldn’t tell me what was going on.
I’m without my cell phone, which is in my room upstairs, and there’s no computer in here. I have no way to learn anything from, or about, the outside world, or even to try to pass the time. There are plenty of books, but I’m too keyed up to read.
So I’ve been pacing, mostly, and trying to keep my imagination from running wild and inventing all sorts of awful scenarios. Someone must have gotten into the house, or why would I be shut in here?
Into the house means onto the grounds. And his estate is extensive, with no open borders. It’s not like someone could casually, let alone accidentally, wander onto Cameron’s property.
I’m half sick with worry despite my efforts to stay calm. So when the door unlocks, I fling myself into an armchair and sit there, straight-backed, hands folded in my lap, the very picture of a proper nervous wreck.
Cameron comes in, takes one look at me, and holds out his arms. I hurl myself at him and hold on, like he’s my long-lost love whom I haven’t seen in decades. His strong, solid warmth makes me feel better immediately, my anxiety ebbing away within seconds.
“Everything’s all right now.” He rubs my back soothingly. “I have some work to do, but I’ll see you again when that’s done.”
When he tries to detach us, I lock my arms around him. “Please. Can’t I stay with you? I promise I won’t be any bother.”
He draws back a little and looks down at me with a half-smile. “Your father told me that when he phoned to say you were coming. That you were a good girl, and wouldn’t be any bother.”
I feel myself blushing. “Um …”
The backs of his fingers stroke my cheek. “You bother me a great deal, Haley Morgan. And I don’t regret it.”
Burrowing into him again, I hold on tight, letting touch renew my plea. After a long moment, he kisses the top of my head and sets me gently away from him, but before I can beg, he closes the study door, shutting us both inside.
Yes. I follow him to his desk, standing off to one side as he seats himself behind it. He touches a button I can’t even see, and the top of his desk — that I thought was solid wood — turns transparent and becomes an enormous computer monitor.
“Holy shit,” I breathe. A keyboard slides out from where the center drawer should be, and Cam goes to work, his fingers flying over the keys while he stares intently at the screen.
I can’t see what he’s doing from this angle, but when I take a step closer, he turns his head my way, just a little, but the warning is clear. Retreating to my former position, I will myself to be a good, quiet, obedient girl.
A few minutes later, without stopping his work, he says, “You’re practically vibrating with all the things you’re not saying.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Pick one and ask me. Choose wisely.”
“Isn’t it uncomfortable, having your head bent down like that?”
He looks at me then. “Out of all the things you’re wondering about, that’s the one you pick?”
“I’m worried you’re going to get a stiff neck.”
His mouth twitches. “Come here.” When I get close, I try to sneak a peek at the monitor, but he moves me around to straddle him so my back is to the desk.
“You have a very inquisitive nature, Haley Morgan.”
“I can’t help it.”
“What’s your major in college?”
He smiles. “Pre-med?”