Page 10 of Forbidden Heat



“More salmon?”Cameron says.

“Yes, please.”

The two of us are eating in the dining room, as we do each day, morning and evening. It’s been a week since he found me in his room, and I’m about to lose my mind.

Not only has he not spanked me again, he hasn’t done anything else, either. Not overtly, anyway. He often finds excuses to touch me casually; a hand on my shoulder, maybe, to get my attention or direct me somewhere.

And that next day after it all happened, he told me, “If you’ve been naughty and you’re being punished, you may call me Sir, or Mr. Thorne. Otherwise, I’m Cameron.”

Which certainly led me to believe we’d be playing more of those games. But so far, nothing. Nada, zero, zip, zilch.

It’s starting to make me anxious.

Sometimes Cameron works from home, and we see each other during the day. Last weekend, he took me boating on the lake near his estate, and also horseback riding. He had me all alone, and didn’t even kiss me.

Maybe I’ve misunderstood the whole situation. “Cameron,” I say quietly.

“Yes, Haley.”

“Have I … displeased you somehow?” It takes all my willpower to ask it in a normal tone of voice.

“On the contrary.”

I stare at my plate, unable to find the words I need. The next moment, Cameron’s hand closes over mine. “Come with me.”

He draws me up and away from the table, and we leave our half-eaten dinner and wind through the house until we reach his study. Cameron keeps it locked when he’s not in it, and now he inputs a code on the keypad to open the door.

It’s a traditional study, all dark wood and leather and shelves full of books. Two armchairs angle toward each other against one wall, floor lamps behind them. A large desk occupies the center of the room.

Closing the door behind us, Cameron takes one of the armchairs, bringing me with him so I’m sitting on his lap, curled against him, like I was after my spanking. “You expected things to proceed a certain way after that night, and they haven’t,” he says.

It’s disconcerting that he reads me so well. “Yes,” I say softly. “I … must have misinterpreted some of the things you said.”

“You didn’t.”

Relief quickly gives way to frustration. I can’t keep it in anymore. “Then why?”

“You are still under my protection.”

I frown. “But—”

“Let me finish. Given our situation here, if things progress between us the way we both would like them to, we’ll have an … ongoing arrangement.”

My heart beats faster. “Yes.” I certainly want it to be ongoing.

“I would not be doing right by you, or indeed myself, if I allowed us to enter into that kind of intimacy on a few hours’ acquaintance. What happened that night was a special set of circumstances, but on further reflection I realized that both of us needed more time before we went further.”

“Oh.” I can’t keep the disappointment from my voice, and the corner of Cameron’s mouth quirks up.

“My impatient Haley. Is it so hard, waiting?”

“Yes.” I don’t care if I sound dramatic. “It’s driving me crazy.”

“Well, then.”