Chapter Nine


My body tingled from head to toe as he looked me over, but I wasn’t willing to wait for him to show me what he liked or what he wanted. I had ideas of my own.

Pulling his head down to mine, I crushed his lips in a bruising kiss as my fingers tore at his shirt. I didn’t bother with unfastening his buttons, and I heard them ping and bounce off the nearby desk before landing unheard on the carpeted floor. I also didn’t bother with his tie, leaving it on as I bared his shoulders and chest of every stitch of fabric until there was only the feel of hard, hot flesh beneath my palms. He gasped into my mouth when my nails raked down his muscular pecs. His body was better than that of most younger men I’d been with.

I broke the kiss as I positioned his back to the desk before giving him a hard shove so that he fell backwards on it to rest on his elbows.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I said as I looked over the shadowed canvas of man flesh in front of me. The soft light of his desk lamp painted the dips and ridges of his six-pack abs, making them look as though they’d been airbrushed on, but the caress of my fingertips over his stomach let me know that that wasn’t the case at all.

The look he gave me at my appraisal of him was as cocky as a frat boy’s. “Personal trainer. Personal chef.”

“Mmm, remind me to send them a thank you card,” I said as my hands went to work unbuckling his belt. Once unlatched, I jerked it free of its hoops hard enough that Harris had to hold on to the desk to maintain his position. I liked that. I liked it a lot, but not as much as what I found after I unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers. What he had to offer was already tenting his groin when I worked his pants and shorts off his hips as one, yet I was still surprised when the bounty of the man I was having my way with sprang up, completely free of restraints. My brows arched. “Your trainer and chef do that for you too?” I asked as I eyed a manhood every bit as thick and heavy as a summer sausage.

He looked down at his straining, bobbing length. “I’m sure they’d like to think so, but I suspect that the only one who can truly take credit for it is you.” His grey eyes had darkened when he turned his gaze back on me, and I shivered as a spasm of anticipation traveled its way up my center.

I was out of my panties two seconds later and climbing into position over his body a half second after that. With my knees above his hips and my ready heat already dripping with want, I positioned my hips low and dragged myself up his length, painting him with my juices, earning me an anguished, hungry groan from him. But, when I reach between us to wrap my fingers around his unbelievably thick girth to hold him in position for me to sink myself down on top of, I froze. His skin was hot and slick under my touch... his skin. His bare, naked skin. “You don’t have a raincoat on.” I was ready to scream. We were in an office on the fourteenth floor of a building in front of a wall of windows about to have wild, uninhibited sex, and the man I wanted to ride like a bucking bronco on PCP wasn’t wearing a condom. “This isn’t happening. Tell me you have some protection.”

Harris’s face went blank. “I—uh... Don’t carry any on me.”

At least I knew from that answer that he wasn’t a complete player, scoring with random women everywhere he went throughout the city. “Rich, handsome, the body of a wrestler... and chaste. Just my luck.” My nether regions throbbed with a crazed want that made me shake with near desperation. It wasn’t me, I swear. It was my body’s need to be impaled by him that took over my tongue. “I’m clean. Safe. I’m on the pill. You?”

“Same—though, not the pill. I’m not on the pill.” The words spilled out of him as his fingers gripped my hips with an intense ownership that fueled the fire in my blood.

“That’s okay, baby,” I said, taking his lips in a hard, short kiss. “I won’t get you pregnant. Promise.” And with that said, I lowered myself on top of him, groaning out load from the magnificent stretch he forced on my body. “Oh my God, you could be a gigolo if your company ever fails.” My eyes flashed open when the sound of what I’d said traveled through my ears to finally reach my brain. I had just told my boss that he could be a man-whore and had meant it. Yes, definitely, we had crossed a line somewhere. “I’m sorry.” The words tumbled out of me.

“Shut up,” he said, hooking me by the back of the neck and pulling me down to him. His mouth ravaged mine as his hands unclasped my bra to free my breasts, but gravity didn’t even get a chance to take hold of their freedom before his hands were on them. His palms were warm and strong, commanding even as they held the swell of breasts that hadn’t been touched by someone who knew what they were doing in way too long. His thumbs stroked over my pert nipples, followed by a pinch and pull that had me tightening around his invading shaft.

“Yes... More,” I moaned as I adjusted the angle of my hips. I couldn’t sink completely down to his base, but with my hips titled forward I could rub my clit against his body with each rocking stroke on his cock. I’d never felt so full in my life, and there was some spot deep inside of me, some spot no other man had ever made feel so good, that made me heady, made me feel as though my spirit was bigger than my body. It was the stretch being forced by his granite hard cock and the freaking bulbous head of his. I’d meant it when I said he could have been a gigolo. Women would have lined up to pay him thousands for just a half an hour of his time. He felt that good, that life-shattering. I wasn’t even sure I could call it sex. Sex felt like a sneeze compared to what he was doing to me. I felt his hands on my ass as he took control of his stroke from below. My whole body was shaking, and if I’d been asked my name at that moment, I wouldn’t have remembered.

A sound filled the office, bouncing off the walls, filling my ears, and it took me a while to realize that that sound was me, crying out as the overwhelming pleasure that dipped into a pain so sweet filled me beyond all my comprehension. His name was on my lips next as I cried out, “Harris... Oh God, Harris! Oh God!”

I felt him swell inside me. I felt every single one of his heartbeats through the place that we were joined. Something shifted. Maybe it was him, maybe it was me, but I arched my neck back and screamed the ecstasy that filled my body a heartbeat before liquid heat spilled inside of me.

Spent, completely drained of all energy and strength, my body wilted on top of Harris and his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. His lips kissed my sweat slicked brow, and I couldn’t stop shaking. “What did you do to me?” I’d never in all my life been so spent by what a man did to me when I’d taken his body inside my own.

“I’ve got you,” Harris whispered into my hair, and for some reason, for the first time in my life, I believed a man was telling me the truth with absolutely no doubt… and no regrets.