The more Ithought I understood Angel, the more he would surprise me.
I’d been staying with him for almost two weeks, and even though it was still kind of weird sometimes, it was also kind of… nice?
I felt a little guilty even thinking of it that way. I wasn’t there to have a good time, after all. But Angel—once again—had really surprised me with the way he’d treated me from the very first night.
Sure, he still looked at me like he might tear my clothes off me and fuck me real good at any moment… but he never acted on it.
Not when I’d lean over and give him a clear view right down my shirt. Not when I’d slowly undress for in front of him every night, just like I’d done on that very first night we spent together.
Not even when I’d accidentally brush up against him in that big-ass bed.
And after eleven days of all of that… I was getting horny.
Horny as hell.
I didn’t think I’d ever admit that I wanted him to fuck me—not even to myself—but I did want it. I wanted it more and more every day and every night.
I’d find myself in class thinking about that big dick that he could barely keep contained in his pants. I’d watch him as he moved around the condo, steady and methodical, confident, just like he always had been, and it only made me want to feel those strong steady hands on my body.
Even now, just sitting on the bus on my way back from class, I can’t stop my hand from wandering down between my legs and pressing against my most sensitive spot for just a little bit of relief from the constant sensitivity that I feel whenever Angel is on my mind.
And it seems like he’s always on my mind.
I got off the bus at the stop by his condo, hoping that maybe he’d be out doing some business, or doing something that would give me at least a few minutes alone to take care of the heat that had been building up inside me for damn near two weeks.
But when I walked though the door and found him standing there waiting on me in his usual spot, I couldn’t even pretend to be disappointed. I might not be able to get the privacy that I desperately needed at that moment, but seeing his eyes roam over my body in that familiar way and his mouth turn up in a smile as he asked about my day?
Yeah, that was worth not being able to touch myself for at least a little while longer.
“Hey, Bella,” his voice was deep and rich, and never failed to send a tingle up my spine. “How was class?”
The same question every time, but it never got boring to me. I usually tried to give him some kind of smart-ass answer, just to keep him on his toes, but today was different. Today, I could barely think straight.
“Class was… good,” I said. Just thinking about you and your big cock fucking me all day. “I, um,” I swallowed hard, not sure what to say. I could feel my face heating up as he quirked an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side.
“You… what?”
He took a step toward me, then another, and I felt my knees go weak. Oh my God, I was going to have to move or sit down or do something soon, before I passed out from all the blood that was rushing to my head—and the heat that was rushing to every other part of my body.
“I just, um… I just… wanted—” I had been doing a good job of keeping my eyes locked onto his, afraid of where I might look otherwise, but then I couldn’t help myself. I glanced down—just a split-second—to take in the rest of him, his solid, hard body, that ever-present thick bulge that never failed to impress me as it strained against his tailored pants. And yep, it was still there in all its glory, making me horny and dizzy and fucking wet, making me forget whatever I’d been about to say.
I looked back up at him, my cheeks burning, hoping he hadn’t noticed the way I’d been practically undressing him with my eyes. The cocky half-smile that played across his lips and the look of pure sex in his eyes told me that he’d seen it all, though.
But more importantly, that look told me I wasn’t the only one in the room who was having a hard time keeping it together. I knew he wanted to fuck me. I could feel it. And I knew I was on the right track when I took a step toward him and heard him suck in a sharp breath as I finally closed the remaining distance between us.
I turned my face up to keep eye contact. His pupils were blown, dilated with pure heat, pure lust.
He bit his lower lip, and just the sight of it made me imagine his teeth grazing my lips, my nipples, my—fuck, I couldn’t help but moan, the sound escaping my throat before I could stop myself.
“Take this off,” his hands moved to play along the hem of my shirt, sending another shiver down my back as his knuckles grazed the bare skin of my stomach.
It was as close as he’d been to touching me, and it made me want more, made me craveit.
I scrambled to follow his order, fumbling with the tiny buttons at the collar of my shirt—God, why hadn’t I worn something easy to get out of?
Finally, it was up over my head and I tossed it behind me, not feeling at all self-conscious this time as his eyes traveled down over my breasts. I wanted him to see me, all of me. I wanted his dick to ache for me the same way I was aching for him.