It was another thing that I found sort of irresistible about the man. He understood me just as well and I understood him.
“Dinner will be ready in an hour, Daddy,” I said, choking back any hint of sarcasm or back-talk. My father wasn’t a well-educated man, but he didn’t put up with too much attitude, either. And even though his rules and his old-fashioned thinking made it sometimes feel like I was living in a convent, it was worth biting my tongue and keeping my mouth shut to stay with him rent-free while I finished college.
I’d promised my mom before she died that I’d get a degree, that I’d take care of myself and my father. It was a promise I hadn’t made lightly, and one I intended to keep.
“Try not to work too hard, Bella,” Angel said, still smirking slightly as he turned back to face my dad.
I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth to say something back, but snapped it shut after a moment. What good would it have done to speak up?
Both men were infuriating, but in very different ways.
Still, when I turned to go back into the house, I could feel Angel’s eyes on me again, burning into me.
I didn’t turn back, though. I stayed strong, even though the feel of his gaze on my ass was doing things to me that I’d never have admitted.
Maybe he was better at playing our little game than I’d given him credit for.