Page 28 of Major Dad



On ThursdayI was sure about insisting on staying put in Hawaii. Then by Friday doubts surface again. I ignore my mother’s email about traveling, but that can only last for so long before she detonates and calls in the cavalry – daddy.

This evening I have to attend a military function with him. Everyone present is military and dressed in Class A uniforms. Ethan is no exception. I almost swoon at the sight of him in his medals, he makes the stiff uniform so freaking hot. But it’s even better imagining him with it all off and I the buff.

My tummy goes skittering even though he’s halfway across the room talking to guys in his unit.

Thoughts of hard ropes of pure muscle bounce through my mind until my father interrupts my day dreams.

“You’re very distracted,” he says, suspiciously scanning the room.

“Sorry, Dad,” I apologize. “I’ve got stuff going on.”

“Hmmm. Your mother called me today.”

Shit. Better come clean.

“I don’t want to go to Boston. I like it here. And I’ve got an interview next week with a non-profit.” Gary Hayes was as good as his word.

“You’d better stick to business if you stay here,” daddy says. I can sense the double meaning in his voice. I glance towards Ethan. “I know something’s going on with you. I can smell it.”

“You’ve always been insightful, Dad,” I acknowledge. “But it’s my life, okay?”

“Yes, it’s your life. Just don’t do anything either of us will regret.”


He’s right, of course. Except when I look at Ethan, I melt inside. My knees get weak and my body reacts like a chemistry experiment. I’m literally happy when I think about him. And I spend most of my chore time fantasizing sexy scenarios we can't seem to make a reality. Like this morning, washing dishes.

He comes up behind me, grasps my hips and kisses my neck. I was only fantasizing, but still, I nearly dropped the plate. Shivers ripple the length of me as his lips trail across my neck and his hands travel up to my tits, tweaking my hard nipples. “How about I towel dry you after we shower together?”

“I think I’d rather stay wet,” I purr, “And have you bend me over the sink to slide into me from behind again.”

“Sir,” a voice I recognize says. I leap so high, I’m sure the men notice. Ethan’s beside me and all the air squashes out of my chest.

“Good evening, Rylie,” he says. “Pleasure to see you.”

I give him a friendly, OK let’s admit it, awkward, side hug, trying for an ‘everything normal here’ attitude in front of all the officers. Especially my father.

When some other high ranking officers begin talking politics with him, I drift a few steps away and Ethan follows.

“I’m dying here, Riley” he hisses.

My body grows unbearably hot. I glance around the room, hoping no one notices us. “Me too. I wish we could get out of here.”

“I can’t even fucking touch you. Can I see you tomorrow?”

The danger of this peaks my blood flow. One look from my father would give us away I’m sure.



“What about Caden?”

“He has a play date. Marta’s nephews are coming to visit. And I’m taking you into the woods.”