Page 7 of Major Dad

Traffic heading into Honolulu at this hour is not so bad. Ethan stays in the middle lane and turns the volume down on the radio. I can almost feel his thoughts. “I’ve always held back being honest with you,” he says, then explains with, “Occupational hazard and all.”

“And?” I squirm and twist. I adjust my seat belt.

This can’t be happening.

I can feel my body reacting and my fidgeting isn’t disguising it. My nipples have stiffened. My face has flushed hot and red. I don’t know if I’m capable of speech as I lean towards him slightly to show that I’m still paying attention to his words. My fingers are itching to reach out and trail across his large gnarled hand.

“About last night. I think you’re the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever met. I’ve eavesdropped on you and your dad many times, wishing I could jump in and talk to you. Or take your side.”

“Which you did last night.”

“Yeah it finally all became too much.”

“Too much?”

“Not being able to ask you out for so much as a cup a’s torturous.”

At last. I can’t help but smile inwardly as he confesses his love for me. Okay not love but you know – feelings.

I try unsuccessfully to wet my mouth so I can form a sentence and speak. “I um…” I gulp and compose myself, then try again. “I um… I feel…”

I turn to look out the window again, mute with – what? My thoughts are a blur. I’ve fantasized about this moment for years.

Ethan Hayes noticed me? OMG! He doesn’t think I’m a silly school girl with a dumb crush on an older, more experienced man. Maybe he doesn’t realize I have a crush on him, too.

“That little tongue of yours tied for once?” he asks.

“I um…” I still can’t speak. Thoughts of where I’d like to put that little tongue overwhelming me.

“I’m sorry. I made you uncomfortable,” he says, a shadow of doubt on his face as he misinterprets my silence.

“I never imagined you’d be interested in me,” I blurt. “A dumb girl who failed the bar exam.”

“Lot’s of people fail the first time, Rylie,” he says in a comforting tone. “Even a few times. And you’re not even close to dumb. I’ve been listening to you for years, whenever I’m over drinking beer with your old man.”

“Oh yeah? So then, what animal was center of a project I was working on last February with the World Wildlife Fund?”

“Ah, a test.” He grins.

“Of course,” I smile. “Gotcha.”

“Let me think now. Wasn’t it the green sea turtle?” he says immediately.

“You were paying attention!” I squeal.

“Of course. Gotcha.”