Page 10 of Risking Romero


The Main Event

Nobody saysmuch on the drive back to the farm. Jade seems lost in thought, and her sisters are uncharacteristically quiet. As for me, I’m wondering what’s gotten into me, though part of me already knows.

I like using my brain, but I’ve never been averse to the physical. On the other hand, I’ve always been the type to think before I act. No woman’s ever led me around by mycock.

Jade isn’t trying to do that, though. The connection I feel with her happened as soon as we met, without any effort on her part. It’s overwhelmingly sexual — I want to fuck her brains out for the next decade or so — but I can’t take this too casually.

She’s young, and while our town isn’t tiny, neither is it a bustling metropolis. With women my own age, I trust that they know how to handle themselves and deal with gossip. Jade’s smart, but she’s not exactly worldly.

However long this lasts, I need to make sure she’s okay when itends.

When we reach the house, Brianna and Quinn vanish upstairs after a quick goodbye, no doubt gearing up for an in-depth analysis of what happened at the station. Jade goes into the parlor and starts cleaning up the drinks and food. I help her load the tray, then take it from her to carry into the kitchen, earning me a smile that sharpens my hunger forher.

When she starts washing our glasses in the sink, I look around the kitchen and see that there’s no dishwasher. The flooring and tile are old, as are the stove and the fridge. “How big is yourfarm?”

“Small. What most people would call a hobby farm. We grow enough to feed ourselves and the animals, and sell some hay. The cows and goats we milked to make artisan cheese and curds and ice cream, and we sold those along with baked goods at the farmers’ market. And we have a few chickens, for eggs, and some sheep; we sold their wool along with scarves, caps, sweaters, stuff likethat.”

“You keep saying ‘sold’ in the past tense.”

“After Dad died—” she presses her lips together until her emotions are under control. “We fell apart for a couple of weeks. We managed to do the bare minimum for ourselves and the animals, but we missed the start of the farmers’ market, and they sold our booth space to someone else even though we’d paid it in advance.”

I make a mental note to find out who the hell runs the farmers’ market and have a word. “What did the bank say when you asked them to restructure theloan?”

“They were polite, sympathetic, but …” She hitches a shoulder in a half-shrug. “Business is business. We’ve been making the payments out of the insurance money, but it’s almostgone.”

The list of people I need to pummel is getting longer by the minute.

Jade puts the clean dishes away. The cookies go in a tin. “One for the road?” sheasks.

I tug her against me, my hands at her waist. “I’m saving room for another kind of dessert.” Her sudden blush makes me wonder just how inexperienced she reallyis.

“I know this has all happened fast,” I say, testing the waters. “To put it mildly.”

There’s some shyness when she meets my eyes, but more candor. “As soon as I saw you, I got turned on. Before you said we were going to be involved, I was planning to have some very … detailed fantasies aboutyou.”

No games, no bullshit. I like this girl a lot. “Oh yeah? Likewhat?”

Her smile is still a little shy, but also a little naughty. My cock is immediately supercharged. “I’d much rather have the reality.” She looks toward the door. “I’ll just let my sisters know we’re leaving. Be rightback.”

She pulls away slowly, as if reluctant to release me, and at the last moment I catch her hand, bring her gently back to me, and curl my hand around the back of her neck. Her eyes flutter closed as I lower myhead.

Much as I want to devour her, I keep the kiss slow, but it’s deep and thorough. The more I taste her, the more I want. When I finally lift my head, her lips are swollen, her eyes glazed, and my cock demands that I drag her to the floor and plunder.

Instead, I let her go. “Right back,” she says, her voice breathy. She’s a little unsteady on her feet as she turns; when she has her balance, she rushes from theroom.

Maybe I should find a bathroom and rub one out, take the edge off. Because once I have her naked in my bed, I don’t want any rushing. I’m going to savor every moment, make sure she wrings every ounce of pleasure possible from our time together.

She’s back before I can carry out the thought. We go out to the car, and when I’m handing her in, I lean in close and inhale her scent. “You smell good,” I murmur against herear.

The little shiver that runs through her makes my cock spring to attention again. “So do you,” she says in a voice gone husky.

I risk a speeding ticket on the way totown.

Once we’re there, I don’t go to Revved Café, or any of the other restaurants owned by my numerous cousins. Knowing my family, everyone has already heard about me and Jade. The news has probably even reached the far-flung, out-of-state relatives. Walking into an Adamo establishment in this town would be tantamount to inviting the entire clan to joinus.

I want Jade to meet my family … a realization that shifts something inside me. But they can be a little overwhelming. So I take her to a little bistro tucked between a floral shop and a shoe repair place. By some miracle, it’s not near any Adamo businesses atall.