Page 32 of Risking Romero

“Okay, honey.”

I can hear it in her voice; she doesn’t believe me. Maybe I can catch her, maybe not. But even if we fall and break our necks, I have to believe that’s better than burning to death.

“Back up now, Jade. Until it’s too hot, and then run when I say go, okay?”


I watch her back up a few steps, toward the inferno, while I open the door as wide as it can go to make sure it doesn’t get in my way. “Okay, babe. I love you; you can do this. Run as fast as you can, jump as hard as you can. Ready?”

“Ready.” Her voice is thin, scared, but resolved.

“One, two, three, go.”

And she does it, my beautiful girl, she races toward me out of the flames. I gauge her speed, her distance, take one boundingleap ...

and fling myself into thevoid.