Page 13 of Risking Romero

Romero lifts his head and brushes his lips over the place where he’s marked me. “Toomuch?”

“No.” I don’t recognize my own voice; it’s ragged withneed.

The raw hunger in it lights Romero up like a spark to gasoline. One hand tightens in my hair, taking me back to the edge of pain, and the other dives inside my top to scoop my breast out where he can clamp his mouth overit.

He feeds on me like a starving man, every rough tug on my nipple arrowing down to my center, driving me mad. The hand that’s not in my hair shifts down to shove one leg open, his hip rolling against the other to spread me wide for him so he can grind himself against myclit.

My legs wrap around his, my hips driving me up against him, trying to get more pressure, more friction, on my swollen tip. The ache in my core keeps growing, begging for satisfaction. I’m on the edge of release, sensation swirling through me, coiling tighter and tighter until I’m ready to explode.

“Romero,” I groan, frantic. “Please.”

He doesn’t answer with words, but shifts down my body to tear open my slacks and drag them and my panties down and off, taking my sandals with them. On his way back up he snares both my wrists in one hand, pinning them above my head. One leg hooks inside mine, holding meopen.

His other hand frees my neglected breast, and soon he’s sucking just as hard on that nipple, until I’m poised on a knife’s tip. And then -- god help me -- he starts spanking myclit.

I do scream then, as a tidal wave of barbed-wire pleasure gathers in my nub and bursts through my body, over and over again, one brutal orgasm after another ripping me apart. I thrash in his grip, my hips bucking with every fresh climax.

I’ve long since lost count of how many times I’ve come when he releases me and slides down my body to bury his head between my legs. I’m still quivering with the aftershocks as his mouth closes over my clit, sucking gently now, but I’m so oversensitized that the slightest touch sends me spiraling up again.

Romero rolls us over and shifts us up the bed, so I’m straddling him, rocking against him while he sucks steadily, one of his arms clamped around my waist, holding me close. I’m leaning forward, my hands wrapped around the iron bedframe, about to tip over the edge again … and his hand cracks against myass.

“Oh! God!” My legs are spasming, kicking out with every brisk smack, and it hurts so good that pain and pleasure merge together into one massive surge of sensation, rolling out from the center of my body to my fingertips and back again, and I shatter with the force of it, coming even harder than I did before.

He uses his teeth on me and I hang on for dear life, hips bucking, back arching, helpless under the onslaught of ruthless pleasure that’s riding me. Only when I go limp does he shift me off him, onto my side, and roll to face me, tucking me against him, stroking my hair. Cuddling.

When I catch sight of his face, his pupils are huge. It stuns me that he’s this turned on from bringing me pleasure without any for him. I want to reciprocate, as best I can, but I’m too weak to moveyet.

That’s when I hear it: the faint but unmistakable sound of my phone going off in my purse downstairs. I push up on one elbow. “What’s wrong?” Romero says. I must look as worried as Ifeel.

“That’s Quinn’s ringtone. I don’t think she’d call, knowing I’m with you, unless she really neededto.”

“Stay here. I’ll get it.” He kisses my forehead and rolls off the bed. The room feels suddenly chilly with him gone, and I tug the edge of the comforter up over my nearly-nakedform.

By the time he makes it back upstairs, the phone has stopped ringing, but it starts up again as I take my purse from him. “Quinn again,” I mutter, checking the readout, and take the call. “Quinn, what isit?”

“Jade.” I sit bolt upright on the bed. My usually quiet, peaceful sister’s voice is choked with tears.

“Quinn, honey, what’s going on? Tell me.” That’s when I hear shouting in the background. Multiple voices, loud and angry. “Quinn. Who’s there?”

Nothing in a million years could have prepared me for the answer. “She says she’s ourmom.”