Page 33 of Risking Romero


I waketo a soft rain pattering on the roof. Beside me, Romero is still asleep. He’s usually up first, so I don’t move, just drink in the beautiful sight ofhim.

It’s been a month since the fire. When we crashed through what was left of the old floor, I got a lot of cuts and scrapes and bruises on top of my heat blisters, but miraculously, that was all. Romero, who somehow managed to turn us as we fell so that I landed on him, took the brunt ofit.

Broken ribs and a concussion were his worst injuries, besides his poor mangled hand. After two days in the hospital, he was grumpy and demanding to be released.

The doctors said he could go home so long as he had someone with him. I assured them I would not be anywhereelse.

Romero hates being fussed over; I told him he was just going to have to put up with some fussing while I came to terms with both of us still being alive. When he discovered that my nursing care includes regular blowjobs, he got a lot more cooperative.

He’s back at work now, with a paralegal to help him with things that his injuries make difficult. She’s very cute, but I’m not jealous. Or not very much, anyway.

The ring on my finger helps a lot withthat.

* * *

It’sthe first thing Rome did once he was well enough. He couldn’t drive yet, so one of his cousins chauffeured us to Luigi’s, a fancy restaurant owned by another one of his cousins. We had champagne and delicious food, and then my man set an enormous engagement ring in front ofme.

I stared at it, awed, thinking, I’m pretty sure I’ve baked cupcakes smaller than that. “It’s amazing, honey.”

He picked up my hand and kissed it, amusement dancing in his eyes. “You can wear it on a chain around your neck while you’re baking. I told you you were mine, didn’tI?”

At that, my heart melted all over again. “Youdid.”

“Well, now I’m telling everyoneelse.”

When he put it like that, I couldn’t argue. Except … “I should probably point out that you haven’t actually asked me to marryyou.”

“You gonna marry me orwhat?”

I started laughing. Romero was still holding my hand, and behind the humor his eyes were serious. “You’re my girl, Jade Callahan. The one I’d walk through fire for, the one I want beside me every day and every night for the rest of mylife.”

That fast, I went from laughter to tears. “I love you, Romero Adamo.”

“Is that ayes?”

He still hadn’t actually asked me, but I wasn’t going to quibble. “Yes, it’s a yes.” I wiggled my fingers, and he took the ring from its velvet case and slid iton.

* * *

Now,in the early morning light, I lift my hand enough to see the ring. I had no trouble getting used to the fact of it, but I’m still adjusting to the size -- no pun intended. And I do wear it around my neck when I’m baking.

Bianca and Anjelica were as good as their word. While Romero was recuperating, I was in a whirlwind of meetings along with my sisters. Due to our extraordinary circumstances, and not a little help from various Adamos, our business venture cleared its bureaucratic hurdles in recordtime.

Callahan’s opened its doors a week ago, and it’s been a smash hit since day one. I still get a little delirious when I see people lined up down the street to buy our goods. We work hard and put in long hours, but we loveit.

Today’s Sunday, our one day off, and I have every intention of enjoying it in every way possible. Rome was not happy about his doctor forbidding him to have sex at first; he was certain we could find a way to make it work. A few attempts convinced him we had to take iteasy.

The doctor (another one of his cousins, naturally) made it crystal clear that even after he started feeling better, Romero should avoid doing anything vigorous. In bed, this boils down to blowjobs, hand jobs, and me on top being very gentle.

It’s frustrating, but better than him re-injuring his ribs, and way better than nothing at all. He still has a few more weeks to go before he’s fully healed and both of us are counting the days. In the meantime … I slide my hand under the covers, find him, and stroke.

His eyes open, beautiful deep brown flecked with amber. “Morning, gorgeous.”

“Morning, hot stuff.”

“You realize I’m going to have to make it up to you for all this special treatment?”