Page 13 of Dreaming Dante


When I wake,I’m momentarily disoriented. The room is dim, and it takes a couple of seconds before I know where I am. Switching on the bedside lamp, I lean over the crib to see that Sophie is still sleeping peacefully.

But from the angle of the light through the blinds, we’ve been out for a while. I knew the last week had been a strain on me, but I’m mortified by my bad manners. Tiptoeing to the door, I ease it open and go out to the livingroom.

Logan and Izzy’s mother are nowhere to be seen. Izzy is on the sofa, and sitting across from her in a wingback armchair that barely contains him is Dante.

He stands up as soon as he sees me. He’s still wearing his jeans and t-shirt, with the addition of a black leather jacket. His dark eyes scan me, but not in a sexualway.

I bet he’s not even attracted to me, and he was just teasing me before, in the café. Because he’s never actually said anything about wanting me too, has he? That moment when I thought he was looking at my mouth was probably because I had a smear of cheese next to it or something. And threatening to spank me was just because he’s bossy, and I only imagined what I heard in his voice.

I’m such an idiot.

“Feel better?” heasks.

Was I acting like I felt poorly? Dammit, I need to stop analyzing everything he says and does. “Fine. Thanks.”

His eyes narrow, but I ignore it. “Thanks again,” I say, turning to Izzy. “I’m sorry we weren’t better company.”

“Not at all. I’m glad you were both able to get some rest.” She gives me a hug, and it almost brings tears to my eyes. I’ve been so alone.

“You’ll both have to come over again,” she continues. “We can go to that park I mentioned, with the playground.”

“Sounds good.” Sophie babbles from the guest bedroom. “Oh, she’s awake. I’ll just go get herup.”

As soon as I come in, she says, “Mama!” She’s sitting up, looking around, no doubt trying to figure out where sheis.

“Hello, precious girl. You had a good nap.” I hope it doesn’t mean she’ll be up all night. Lifting her into my arms, I give her a snuggle.

Sophie cuddles against me, still glad to be mommy’s little girl. Holding her as tightly as I dare, I close my eyes and savor the moment, storing it up against the day when she starts to grow up and away fromme.

“Pantate, Mama?”

I pick up the diaper bag with one hand and set it on the bed, rooting around for some crackers to tide her over. “We’ll get you some real food in a little bit, okay?” Not that she has any sense of time at her age, but I say the words anyway.

“Need a hand?” Dante says from the doorway. I didn’t even hear him coming. Seriously, how can he be so quiet?

He fills the door frame. As always, his sheer presence dominates everything around him. “I’m good,” I tell him. “I just need to check her diaper. We’ll be out in a minute.”

“Okay. I got all your stuff out of your car; it’s in mySUV.”

A worry I hadn’t even let rise into consciousness eases from my neck and shoulders. “Thanks.” I give him a smile, not a big one, butreal.

He goes unnaturally still. For a long moment, we stare at each other. Then Sophie flaps her hand at him and cries “Tontay!” while spraying me with bits of cracker.

It breaks whatever weird little moment was happening between us. I laugh, and his eyes crinkle in amusement. “Don’t let anyone tell you motherhood isn’t glamorous,” Isay.

This time, the look in his eyes makes my heart stand still. Then he cocks his head toward the living room, and without another word, leaves as silently as he appeared.

Unsettled, I lay Sophie down next to the diaper bag. “Tontay,” she says, her voice plaintive.

“He’s in the living room, honey. He didn’t leave.” And what does it say that I’m reassuring her about a man she’s only been around for a few minutes of herlife?

Sophie’s still dry, so I gather everything up and carry her out. Dante takes the diaper bag from me without even asking, and I don’t argue.

“I was hoping my husband would make it home before you left,” Izzy says, “but you’ll have to meet him another time.” We exchange more hugs and goodbyes, then go out to where Dante’s SUV is parked on the street in front of the house.

Sophie’s car seat is set up in the back seat, all properly positioned and fastened, so all I have to do is strap her in. The diaper bag goes next to her, and then I climb in front with my purse.

Once the car is on the move, I remember Vic saying that all the nonnas would be lining up to have us stay with them. Is Dante taking me to one of them, or to his place?