Shit, I was exhausted. Traveling is one of the best and worst parts of the job. On the one hand, you see new cities, places you’d never go on your own dime. On the other, it’s fucking exhausting when you’ve got a full schedule, training during the day and then a game at night, it wears you out, grinding until you fall into bed, weary and spent.
And lately, I’d been the club hermit. Sure, the other guys sometimes drank at the bar or visited the local strip club, but these were young dudes with the energy to party, to find chicks, to hook up with the inevitable groupies at every stop. But for me, it’d lost its allure. There was only one woman on my mind, one woman who ruled my thoughts, her face dancing before me whenever I closed my eyes and I couldn’t do anything but think of her. Shit, I’d spent the last week holed up in my room after practices, ordering room service, acting like a fucking dirty old man as I stroked one after another out, lusting after Marie.
And it was more than lust. I loved that woman, I absolutely adored the ground she walked on, the brunette ruled my heart, mind and soul. And yet here I was, alone every night. What the fuck. WTF, seriously, my life was a fucking mess.
So I snorted angrily, striding through the hotel lobby. This sucked balls, my life sucked balls despite the fact that we’d had an awesome game, my stats were sure to improve given the bases stolen, the runs I’d batted in. I should have been on top of the world but instead, I was fucking miserable, ready to bark at anyone, ready to snap a couple necks if need be.
And that’s when I saw her. The brunette stood by a console in the lobby, looking uncertain, chewing her lip but oh so beautiful. Marie was a breath of fresh air, her face open, innocent, that curly brown hair hanging over her back. Oh god, how I wanted to wrap it around my dick again, pull it tight as she came hard, wrenching her backwards as her pussy convulsed for me. But what the fuck was she doing here? We were in Detroit and plane fare’s not exactly cheap.
She caught sight of me then, and my body went from alert to fucking red alert, triple self-destruct. Because shit, I’d forgotten how compelling she was in person, those big brown eyes wide, making my soul melt, how her breasts heaved, huge and bouncy beneath her sweater. And in two steps, I was before her.
“What are you doing here?” I ground out. Shit, that sounded rough, like an angry bear so I cleared my throat. “What brings you here?” I managed more normally. God, I hope I hadn’t scared her away already.
And her eyes flickered to me, hopeful and tentative.
“Hi Trent,” she murmured softly, biting her lip once more, highlighting that perfect peachy pout. What I wouldn’t give to push her to her knees, right here, right now, and have her suck me off, I needed the woman that bad, absolutely craved her loving. But I made myself stay sane.
“Marie, fuck it, let’s go up to my room,” I said roughly. I couldn’t help it, my nerves were shot the moment she appeared, a jangling mess of shit. But I didn’t want to scare her with the cave man act, so I tried again. Taking a deep breath, I smiled although that too, was a little forced.
“Marie, let’s go up and you can tell me everything,” I tried in a more neutral tone. “Alright? This isn’t the greatest place,” I rumbled, gesturing to the random passerby, the usual tourists going in and out.
And the brunette bit her lip and nodded, flushing softly.
“Sure Trent, no prob,” she said, reaching down to grab a small bag at her feet.
I stood stock still. Holy shit, that was an overnight bag. Where was she staying? Here? At the hotel? With me? Or was she getting another room? Shit, I had no idea, the blood coursing through my veins but I couldn’t stop to think, couldn’t stop to hope. With a grunt, I reached forward and took the bag from her, like it weighed nothing.
“After you,” I said, nodding to the elevator, and the woman moved forward, her round form lush, swaying with every step. I groaned internally again, shit I needed her and that ass beckoned to me, the heavy heart-shape, the white orbs mountainous and fleshy. I needed to be in her again, feeling that hot, dry channel gripping me, hearing her moan as she rode my dick with her anus.
But shit, we were so far from that it was laughable. Because I still had nothing to offer Marie, nothing that a woman of her stripe would be happy with. Despite my amazing performance on the field lately, I was still a penniless ballplayer, chasing a dream, something that had one in a billion chance of happening. Because there are so many dudes in the minors, a shit ton of us playing junior league at the local community field, killing ourselves, hoping to catch the eye of the scout, waiting for some big team to call. But you know what? It happens about never. Sure, we all knew one or two guys who’d moved up, but that was one or two guys from the thousands in the crowd. And they’d been signed to week-long contracts, it wasn’t like they’d hit the majors for good.
So I was still me, an itinerant journeyman, peddling my wares, trying to find a buyer. And Marie deserved better than that. She deserved a billionaire, a man who could take care of her so that she’d never have to work again, she could eat bon-bons all day and lay on her back, taking long baths and reading novels in bed. That’s what I wanted to give her but I didn’t have it. I didn’t have it, and it killed me, coming up short when I wanted the best for my girl.
So my mood darkened, deepening into self-loathing as I opened the door to my room. No frills here, just your usual commuter hotel, a big double bed, a TV and a desk. There was no seating area, no free Wi-Fi, and the mini-bar was shit as always. But I offered her a drink.
“Whiskey? Beer? Wine? Or there’s some sparkling water,” I grunted, striding across the room.
And the brunette nodded, murmuring “Water please,” before seating herself gingerly on the bed. Gone were the days where we would have been all over each other in an instant, tearing off our clothes, my dick buried deep in those soft folds at the drop of a hat. Instead, we were practically like strangers, her movements tentative, mine rough to disguise the hatred I felt for myself. Fuck, I was such a loser, I wanted nothing but to sweep her off her feet and yet here we were in this dingy hotel, awkward and uncomfortable.
So I cleared my throat again.
“What brings you here?” I asked roughly, expressionless. “What bring you to Detroit? You have business?” I couldn’t imagine it, unless nurses traveled across state lines now.
And Marie shook her head.
“No, not exactly,” she said hesitantly. “Well, a little,” she admitted. Oh fuck, I had been wrong. The brunette did have business, she wasn’t here to see me, and my heart plummeted.
“A conference?” I asked. They did those medical conferences all the time right? Where pharmaceutical reps chatted up doctors, that sort of thing. But Marie shook her head.
“No, not exactly,” she murmured again before taking a deep breath. “Trent, I came here to see you,” she said with a whoosh, lifting those big brown eyes to me.
And I could hardly breathe, her words unbelievable, the confession so astonishing, arousing. Here in Detroit, this rust-belt city, to see me? I was only here for two nights myself, this was hardly some love getaway where we’d explore one another. But the brunette shook her head again.
“Trent,” she said softly, “I wanted to see you because …” Her voice trailed off.