Fuck. Someone was watching over us through that wave a semi on the other side of the road threw onto us. I didn’t even see the water until we rounded the bend. I’m not sure what caused the puddle in the first place, since it’s not raining, but all I care about right now is that we’re on dry land again.
We reach Poppy’s bar, and I hurry to get off the bike after Savannah. My hands reach for Savannah, and I tear off her helmet and stare at her as if I’m a doctor. “Shit, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? It came out of nowhere.”
“Kelly? You okay?”
I wave to Riley as he parks a few spots down.
“Savannah?” I ask.
Her hands cover mine on her cheeks. “I’m good. I was just surprised, and now I’m wet.”
I look down at her white T-shirt that’s now soaked, revealing her lacy bra that does jack shit to hide her nipples. I shrug off my jacket and put it over her shoulders.
“So it wasn’t a grand master plan to get a peek at my boobs?”
She can’t be serious. We were this close to dying. I let her get on the back of my bike with no jacket. Not even a sweatshirt. God, I’m so fucking stupid.
She laughs and takes my hands off her cheeks. “I know that. I’m joking.”
“Let’s just go home. Forget this. We’ll grab food and go shower.”
When she nudges me, I step back. “Okay.”
She pulls her hair back into a ponytail, and I spot some dirt on her neck. I slide my thumb down the curve and wipe my thumb on my drenched shirt. She looks skeptically at me.
“Dirt.” I hold up my now-clean thumb.
The band—which must be out on the back patio since we can hear them—announces that they’re starting and that they’re a Guns N’ Roses cover band. Savannah’s eyes light up. What am I missing?
“We can’t leave. Guns N’ Roses! Remember how much my mom loved them? How my dad would groan every time she’d dance around the kitchen to ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’?”
“Vaguely, but—”
She glances behind her and back at me. “Do they sell T-shirts in there?”
“Yeah, but—”
She nods and starts walking. I think I may have created a monster.
“Whoa, Sav.”
She stops and looks at me like I should have no problem with her going into the bar and buying clothes. Which is true. But Poppy’s isn’t exactly known for their array of sweatshirts, but Savannah wouldn’t know that because she hasn’t been inside yet. Something I was hoping wouldn’t happen. It’s not really her scene. She’s doing so well, and I don’t want to send her scurrying back into her shell.
“I don’t think they’ll have what you’re looking for,” I say. “We can go, and I’ll find out when these guys are playing again and where and I promise we’ll go.”
She studies me for so long, I shift my stance. Then her hand lands on my hand that’s currently gripping her arm. “Relax. There’s no harm in checking.”
And she’s gone, up the front steps of the bar.
“Hey, Kelly!” someone behind me calls, but I put up my hand.