

The door shuts behind Savannah, and I slam the fridge door out of pure frustration.

“Whoa, what did the ketchup do to you?” Denver walks into the kitchen wearing only his boxers, his hair poking out in a million different directions.

This is the first I’ve seen him since the wedding. I have to assume he was holed up in bed with someone all day and night after the wedding. My friend is awesome, but he needs to get his shit together.

“Coffee?” I change the subject, noticing Savannah’s to-go coffee mug sitting by the pot. “Don’t make me throw this at you” is inscribed in a girly script on the side. Juno never lets an opportunity to razz her sister pass, and Sav’s past birthday was no exception.

“Definitely.” His head hits the table.

I fill our coffee mugs and sit next to him with the paper. “First you go missing at the wedding, then you don’t return until late last night?”

He picks up his head to give me his classic I-got-some smirk.

“Who was it?” I ask.

“A repeat.”

I run the guest list through my mind, but it’s still hard to narrow the options down because it was the first Bailey wedding and practically the entire town was in attendance. Then a tiny brunette pops to mind. “Mindy?”

His smile grows and he sips his coffee. “She still loves it when I—”

I hold my hand in the air. “We’re not sixteen, desperate, and horny anymore.”

“You’re not horny?”

I cock an eyebrow.

“Don’t shoot me that look. I get that you respect that Savannah is living here, but your dry spell has been going on since before she moved in.” He sips his coffee.

How do I tell him my dry spell is by choice, not necessity, and that it’s only been thirty-six hours since a woman was in my bed? And that woman was his sister.

Savannah is like an itch on my back I can’t reach. I’m not exactly happy with myself for still being pissed off that she ran out of my bedroom on Saturday night when we were making out. We were seconds away from quenching the thirst we both have for one another. Savannah may be in denial, but I know that whatever is brewing between us isn’t going away.

“The tattoo shop is busy, and I don’t have time.” I stand to dump out the rest of my coffee. Might as well shower and head to the shop to do the books since we don’t open until later.

“It’s funny.” He meets me at the sink. “I was thinking, when I was at Mindy’s house—”

“You slept with her at her parents’ house?” Last I heard, Mindy had moved to Vancouver.

“She stays above the garage.” He shrugs and leaves his mug in the sink while I put mine in the dishwasher.

“Did you sit down with her parents for breakfast?”

“No,” he scoffs. “We stayed in bed. Stop trying to make me forget my original thought.”

“It’s so easy though.” I pluck his cup from the sink and add it to the dishwasher because we both know he won’t.

“Har-har. So you and Savannah…? Buzz Wheel reported about you two.”

Of course Buzz Wheel had something on Savannah and me leaving Austin’s wedding together. I hate that online gossip blog. “I drove her home.”

“Good. Not that I’m a dick of a best friend who’d say you can’t date my sister, but I was hoping this whole dry spell wasn’t because you had the hots for her.”

“You’re delusional. I gotta shower.” I head for the stairs.