“See you guys later.” I wave, barreling down the stairs, but stop at the last one. “I almost forgot, Wyatt.”

Savannah is one stair down and stops when I do. God forbid her body touch mine. I strip off the T-shirt and toss it to Wyatt. Savannah’s gaze follows the planes of my abdomen, her eyes filling with desire.

“Thanks for the T-shirt.” This could be the stupidest move ever. Get her horny and send her on a date with someone who isn’t me, but I trust that I know Savannah better than anyone. “Sav?”

Her gaze shoots up from where my jeans hang low on my hips after a hard day’s work. “Yeah?”

“I’ll wait up for you.”

Her face flushes and she swallows so loudly. I’m positive they can hear her in downtown Lake Starlight.

“Okay,” she croaks.

I hold my smile until I turn around and make my way toward my car. Damn, I love making her speechless.