
Six Months Later…


I’m setting out neon slitted sunglasses, plastic bracelets, and fingerless fishnet gloves on the kitchen island when the door opens and whoosh of cold air runs up my short jean skirt. These hot pink tights are not keeping me warm.

“Hey, babe,” Liam says, hanging up his coat and toeing out of his boots. “It’s getting bad, maybe we should reschedule this.” As usual, he comes up behind me, wrapping his cold arms around my waist and putting his freezing nose in the crook of my neck.

“You’re lucky I love you.” I lean my head to the side to kiss him. “And it’s Alaska. The majority of my family owns trucks. They can make it here.”

“If you say so.” He rests his chin on my shoulder. “Where’s my mullet?”

“On the bed. Along with your mesh tank top and cut-off jean shorts.”

“Thanks.” He kisses my cheek.

“I still think you should’ve taken my advice and gone with the George Michael lookalike.”

He scoffs, stealing a chip and popping it into his mouth. “My outfit is the best.”

“I wouldn’t say it screams eighties.”

“Good thing we’re not one of those couples where you pick out my clothes,” he says.

I arrange all food from Wok For U and the rest of the goodies, because after a full week at Bailey Timber, I wasn’t going to cook. Plus, it’s supposed to be junk food with eighties movies. Mom was always so specific on that part.

My eyes focus on the wall in front of me. The painting of my mom and Liam’s mom laughing uncontrollably is there for anyone to see. Liam’s graciously let go of some paintings. He gave Rome the one of Calista, and Austin and Holly got the one of their wedding. And he gave the town library the one of Lake Starlight. That was after a lot of apologizing on my part and a lot of casual conversations where I brought up what a nice thing it would be to do.

“Hey, did you stop at the store like I asked?”

He stops on the staircase, and even with his back turned to me, I know he’s swearing up a storm right now. “I forgot. The weather distracted me and I—”

“Fine. I should be good until the morning, but I guess you’re not sleeping in.”

He groans. He acts as if picking up tampons is the worst thing ever. Never did I imagine a guy like Liam would have a problem with it. He doesn’t ever care what anyone thinks about him, except me. Eventually he usually caves, so I’m not sure if the weather was an excuse or not.

He heads upstairs and I finish getting everything ready.

We moved into Liam’s house. It just made more sense to live here since Liam has a bigger house and it’s out of town a little, giving us the privacy we prefer. I graciously gave mine to Phoenix and Denver. They’re supposed to pay me rent, but so far, I’m O for five in months I’ve received it. And I gave them the first month free.

I hear engines outside. A knock sounds and then the doorbell and then a knock again.

“I’m coming.”

I open the front door, and six of my family members trample in, complaining about how cold it is.

“You might be having a lot of guests spend the night,” Harley says, shedding her coat and handing it to me.

“I’ll take everything upstairs,” Holly says. “Denver’s old room, right?”

“Thanks, Holly.”

She collects the coats and purses before walking upstairs. A second later, she shrieks. “Liam! Is that eighties?”

“No, it’s not,” I yell up the stairs.

“It is,” I hear Liam say.