

I’ve woken up in Liam’s bed before, but waking up with his arms around me, nestled into his strong chest, hearing his breath in my ear makes me regret that I didn’t do this earlier.

Liam fell asleep before me, which surprised me because the man has endurance. But he earned his sleep. We dozed for an hour before I was awoken by his hands exploring my body and his lips on my skin, and my favorite—his dick pressing into me. I’m not complaining at all. It’s a night I’ll remember forever. After the last time, my mind began running through all the possible scenarios as we move forward. But I can’t dwell on that. I need to relish the moment now.

I wiggle out from under his arm, but before I can stand, the mattress shifts and my back hits his strong chest.

“I said no running.” His voice is groggy but still delicious.

“I was gonna make you breakfast.”

He laughs. “On that note.” He releases me.

I turn around and give him a quick kiss on his lips. I climb out of the bed and he sits up, resting his feet on the floor.

“Go back to bed,” I say, putting on his T-shirt and my panties.

“Nah, I’m going to eat up all the time I have with you.”

Cue the swooning. “You act like I’m going somewhere.”

He stands and places his hands on my shoulders. I forgot how he towers over me when I don’t have heels on. “I have to work tonight.”

My shoulders slump and I wrap my arms around his waist. “That sucks, but I’ll be here when you get home.”

“Week four starts tomorrow,” he reminds me.

I roll my eyes and walk out of his bedroom.

“You’re running.”

“I’m cured. I slept with you and my former self would never do that. Hallelujah.” I race down the stairs with him half-heartedly chasing me.

When I open the fridge and his arms wrap around me, I yelp until I feel him kiss behind my ear. His hands sneak under my T-shirt, his pinkie gliding under the waistband of my panties.

“I’d say you’ve done an awesome job, but we have to finish out the five weeks.”

I grab the egg carton and turn in his arms. “Fine.”

“Or we call it quits and I make the reservation at Terra and Mare.” He lifts a brow.

The last few weeks have been, for lack of a better term, awesome. Soul-crushing swooning over a hot guy. But I’m not ready to go hand-holding down Main Street just yet. I’m not ready for the pressure of questions and being the main topic of the rumor mill. I witnessed what happened when Austin and Holly started out. I can’t handle that right now, not when Bailey Timber is floundering.

“Can we talk?” I ask.

Liam’s smile fades and he steps away from me as if I just said last night was a mistake.

“No, it’s not that.”

He doesn’t look convinced, so I rush to put the eggs on the counter and take his hand, leading him to the couch.

“Just say it, Savannah.” There’s that familiar bite to his tone, the one he had with me after Austin and Holly’s wedding.

“Do you promise not to be mad?” I ask.

“No,” he deadpans.