He tries to look over his shoulder as we pass a laughing Liam still sitting on the floor. Finally, Denver uses his considerable strength to screech to a stop. When he does, my bare feet slide on the hardwood and I end up on my ass.

Liam shifts to get up, but I give him my palm. I stand, then open the front door and use all my muscle to turn Denver around and push him out the door.

“What the hell?” he says, whipping around once he’s on the porch.

“The Kelly house has no vacancies tonight. Go couch surf.” I slam the door.

Liam barely hides his laughter as he points at the side window.

Denver is peering in with a confused expression.

I open the door. “What didn’t you understand?”

“Are you two, like, really… doing it? I was kidding. Thought maybe I’d walked in on you strangling him.”

I glance over my shoulder at Liam and he shrugs, leaving the ball in my court. At this point, if I don’t sleep with him, my lady parts are going to revolt and close up shop.

“We were about to until you barged in.” I grab Denver by his T-shirt—which I’m fully aware is overkill, but Denver has to be threatened within an inch of his life to keep any kind of secret. “If you tell anyone what you saw or anything that has Liam’s and my names in the same sentence, I promise you, Denver, I will put you on every dating app with a sappy post about how you’re looking for monogamy and leave your cell phone number in your profile.”

He rears back, eyes wide. “You would not.”

“Try me.”

I release his T-shirt and he stumbles back a step. “Fine. Jeez.” He smooths the front of his T-shirt. “I’m going.”

“Don’t come back until one of us texts you, and remember.” I act as though I’m zipping my lips shut.

He nods and rolls his eyes. “You didn’t have to be so mean about it. I would’ve understood.”

He wouldn’t have.

“Have a good night, Denver.” I shut the door, flick the lock, and turn off the porch light.

“Nice, Savannah!” Denver yells as I hear him stumble.

A laugh bubbles up inside me.

Liam doesn’t waste any time and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.

“Impressive,” he says, carrying me up the stairs.

“Thanks. I feel like I could take on King Kong right now.”

He laughs and deposits me on his bed. I grab his T-shirt and he falls on top of me, his arms firm on either side of my head. “We’re finally alone.”

“That we are.” I widen my legs a bit, and his thigh nudges them farther apart. My sundress rises up to my waist, and even through his jeans, his hard length causes a rise in my body temperature.

“No more distractions.” His words sound like a warning.

“No more.”

Our eyes lock and he lowers his body down on mine. A satisfied exhale leaves my lungs. He circles his hips while his hand cups my cheek. I’m ready. Ready to have him.

He presses his lips to mine. I sink into the mattress as his solid frame loses all its rigidity, as though he felt the same monumental change I did the moment his soft lips touched mine. My hands run along the back of his head and I wrap my legs around his waist.

Our lips shift and he slides his tongue into my mouth. It’s like sinking into a hot bath—soothing, exhilarating, and perfect. It’s not the rushed messes we were the other two times, and his hands haven’t ventured from my cheeks.

Too quickly, an ache builds inside me. I need more. More of him touching me, me touching him. More skin, because although my dress is thin, the jeans and T-shirt on Liam have got to go. He must read my mind because he ends the kiss. His eyes light with a promise that we’ll be doing that again as his hand hovers over the front buttons of my dress.