One bell announces my departure while another announces my arrival. Smokin’ Guns Tattoo shop is jam-packed tonight and I’m wondering how Liam can leave when this many people are waiting.
“Savannah?” Rhys is sitting at the front desk. “Did Liam know you were coming?”
I approach the desk with a million drawings scribbled on top. Everything here seems to be fair game for the artists.
“No. I brought him pie,” I say like an idiot. Maybe if I brought him a beer or something, it would’ve made more sense.
Rhys’s perfect eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and I realize what he’s thinking.
“Oh crap, not like that pie.” I hold up the clear to-go container that contains the actual pie. “This pie. Blueberry pie. A real pie. Not.” I glance down between my legs.
Rhys laughs but sucks in his lips to stop himself when he sees my complete mortification. My face hasn’t felt this hot in years. I look behind me and thankfully don’t recognize anyone.
“Gotcha. Let me check in with him. He’s in the private room, working on a client,” he says.
“Oh. Well, I don’t want to interrupt.”
He shakes his head. “It’s for the customer’s privacy. Sometimes tattoos are in… well, you know.”
“Yep.” The P pops out of my mouth as I rock back on my flats. “Tell him no rush.”
Rhys winks and walks behind the counter and past the other tattoo artist, who looks my way. Some I recognize, but it’s not as though I hang around in here.
Rhys returns a minute later. “He’s almost done. Asked if you’d feel more comfortable waiting in his office?”
“I’m good here, but thank you.”
“Want anything to drink?”
Some kid who’s definitely not twenty-one raises his hand. “I’d like something to drink. Alcohol preferably.”
Rhys ignores him.
“I’ll just wait out here.”
“He was very intrigued when I told you came bearing pie.” Rhys winks again. I’m pretty sure this guy is trouble. But the good kind.
I wink back. “Now I’ll just look like a tease.”
He laughs, snapping his fingers and pointing at me. “I don’t remember you having such a funny side.”
I take a seat in the rows of chairs. Two girls across from me eye me curiously.
One leans forward and whispers, “You’re waiting for Liam Kelly?”
“Yeah.” I nod.
“He’s with our friend right now. Getting a heart tattoo right by her area.” She points a little lower than her hip bone.
I understand the need for privacy now. They’re probably in their twenties. “Nice. He gave me one years ago and I love it. He does great work.”
They look at me with wide eyes. “You have a tattoo?”