I wipe my eyes. “You enjoy your life, right?” I peek through my eyelashes to see his reaction.
“I fucking love my life. Yeah.”
“I hate mine,” I admit.
Every muscle in his face droops at the same time. “No, you don’t. It’s just stress that has you saying this. It does crazy things to people.”
I shake my head. “I hate my life. I hate who I’ve become.”
Denver looks around. “I’m not equipped to handle this, Sav. I’m not the fix-it one of the Baileys. I’m the make-you-laugh-at-your-problems guy, not the serious one. Want me to get Liam? You guys have some weird connection. He’ll probably know what to say.”
“No. I don’t want anyone to know. I shouldn’t even be telling you this. I’m just having a bad day. Tired after a long weekend. I’m sure that’s it.” I know I shouldn’t have admitted that anything is wrong. No one can handle it if I lose my shit. I have to squash this before he calls someone else in the family and says something to them. “Plus, it’s my time of the month. Probably hormones.”
Denver leans back. “Well shit. That’s it. Women murder men on their period. Thank God, you scared the shit out of me.”
I nod, wiping the tears away. “I’m just going to go to bed.”
“That’s a good idea. Do you need me to go to the store or anything?”
I smile at my sweet brother. He’s lazy and a freeloader, but he’d do anything for any one of us when it comes down to it. “No, I’m good. Thanks.”
He heads to the door but turns my way. “Hey, Sav?”
“You know that it’s okay to want more, right? That if you really want to change yourself or your life, you can? You just have to give it a go.”
I nod. “Thanks. Goodnight, Denver.”
He shuts the door, and I sit on my bed, staring at the jar of notes Liam made for me. Standing, I look out my window and spot Liam heading into the barn with the pizza box. I inhale deeply. Am I strong enough to take what I want without caring whether or not things will work out perfectly?