“Maybe you need to start your own company. No shitheads allowed.”

He points at me, stepping on the first stair. “You have a point, but no way would I run a company. That’s a sure-fire way to screw up my life.”

“How so?” My forehead wrinkles.

“Everyone knows the boss has no fun.” He snaps his fingers. “That reminds me. Do you know if Savannah called the exterminator for Grandma Dori’s place?”

“Why would I know?”

“Juno’s going crazy having the old bat at her place. I heard you and Savannah kissed and made up.”

I shrug. “I apologized and we agreed to be civil until her house is done.”

He steps back down and heads halfway back to me. “Thanks, Liam. We all feel shitty about the talk because we want you to be happy, but you two are so opposite. It could never work.”

“Opposites attract?”

“Not when neither of them wants to change.” He raises his eyebrows.

“Go get ready, Denver.”

He nods, fully aware it’s a topic I’m not up for discussing. I’ll honor the Bailey brother wishes. Until I can prove them wrong.

“Miss me.” He winks.

“Counting the days until you return,” I holler up the stairs after him. “Not,” I whisper.

Five minutes later, Denver leaves with a duffle bag swung over his shoulder, three bottles of water, two apples, and my battery pack for his phone. I grab the bags out of the pantry and set up my night with Savannah.