She shrugs. “I suppose, but I would’ve preferred to finish college without having to schedule it around Bailey Timber. Have fun, do what people do in college.”
“Yeah, maybe you needed a few more years before being responsible for hundreds of employees.”
Her giggle is low. It’s nice, but not the one I want to hear tonight. “Exactly.”
“It could be worse. The Baileys could’ve owned a skeleton cleaning company.”
“A what?” Her smile grows, but no laughter sounds from her lips.
“I read this article about a company that has to clean skeletons, and not just dust them off. They have to degrease and whiten the bones.”
Her face morphs into a disgusted expression. “What on Earth does degrease mean?”
I nod. “They said humans are the worst.”
“You’re right, I’d rather have to deal with wood.” A small, short giggle comes out of her. “Why do they have to clean them?”
“Where do you think all those med schools get their samples?”
Her eyes widen. “I’ve never even thought about that.”
I chuckle and finish my beer. “Me either.”
Silence falls over the table, and I try to muster up anything that might entertain her. Luckily, our food comes out and I order another beer. Savannah passes on a second.
“I’ll drive you home,” I offer.
She shakes her head. “I owe you. I’ll be DD tonight.”
We crack open our crab legs.
I dip mine in butter while she eats hers without. “No butter?”
She shrugs.
“Do you not like butter?” I ask.
“Who doesn’t like butter?” She pops a bite of a hushpuppy into her mouth.
“Exactly. You can’t eat crab without butter.” I dip a piece of crab in butter and hold it in front of her mouth. She shakes her head. “Why not?”
“Heart attack, artery blockage, calories. How many reasons do you want me to list?”
I put the piece of buttery crab into my mouth and grin. “You’re missing out.”
“I haven’t had it in so long I don’t miss it.”
I wipe my mouth and hands. “Bullshit.”
She peeks up at me through her eyelashes, and yeah, she misses junk food.
“You’re the opposite of your brothers,” I say.
“I don’t know, Rome is beginning to get in shape and eat better.”
“He might eat better, but his portion control sucks. He ate my entire container of hummus and pita chips the other day.”