A condescending laugh slips out. “Still working for Daddy?”
The door behind me opens, and Brooklyn’s shocked gaze focuses behind me. I assume Wyatt is there.
“If you mean do I run the show now, then yes,” Brent says.
Brooklyn places the vial of essential oils on the table. “You two know one another?”
Wyatt rounds me. “Want me to grab you a new shirt?”
“Nah, I’m out of here soon anyway. Thanks though.”
“You sure? Because the air is on and—” Brooklyn’s words freeze when Wyatt’s huff echoes through the quiet room.
“I’ll grab you a shirt,” Wyatt says.
“I can do it.” Brooklyn puts her hand on Wyatt’s arm before he has a chance to leave the room. She walks out—off to warn Savannah, I’m sure.
“Using a matchmaking service to get your dates now?” I ask, leaning against the counter, crossing my arms.
“I wasn’t going to pass up a date with Savannah Bailey. Besides, we have a lot in common.”
“Which is what exactly?” The air might be on in here, but jerk-off is stoking my anger and my skin feels as if it’s burning.
Wyatt comes next to me, mimicking my stance. I cock my eyebrow but focus my attention on Brent.
“We both run huge companies.”
Brent rocks back on his heels, and my eyes fall to his stupid loafers. He looks as if he’s stepped out of a Tommy Hilfiger ad. “Am I going out with you? What’s with the third degree?”
I shrug. “I’m close with the Baileys.”
“Oh, that’s right.” A Cheshire Cat grin pulls up the corners of his mouth. “Am I stepping on your toes?”
Wyatt chokes on his water but recovers quickly after I give him a scathing look.
I hold up my hands. “Not at all. Savannah’s not mine. If she was, you wouldn’t be here.”
“Then what’s with the protective act?”
“I’m friends with her brothers.”
“And I’m her brother-in-law,” Wyatt pipes in with an attitude as if to say, “take that.”
I cock my eyebrow at him again.
“The baseball players?” Brent nods in understanding.
Whereas all the Bailey boys played baseball, I played football. So did Brent. For the opposing town’s team. The team who beat Lake Starlight at the state championship my senior year. We were rivals then and now.
“That’s them.”
“I’m assuming they’re in jail by now?” Brent sneers.
I eye the hallway. No sign of Savannah yet. “No.”
“Why would you say that?” Wyatt asks, which shifts Brent’s attention to him.