Savannah puts her hair back up in the bun, stands, and pulls her laptop to her chest. “I’m good. Liam?”

I raise my eyebrows. “I’m good. We can always discuss this more over dinner at home.”

“Good point.” Dori smiles at me. “You living with Liam will make this all the more convenient.”

Savannah stops at the door. I baited her. Right about now, she’s figured out that I know she was going to sneak off to try to get away from me. She peeks over her shoulder, and I raise my eyebrows in challenge. This is her chance. Stand up to her grandmother and tell her that she can’t stay with me anymore.

“Tomorrow? I’ll pick up Wok For U?” I ask.

“Sounds great.” She walks out of the office.

“That went better than expected.” Dori stands. “Thank you, Liam. I didn’t know who I was going to hand this over to. Austin is too busy and Rome, well…”

She doesn’t bother mentioning Denver. We all know he can’t handle anything like this.

I stand and kiss her cheek. “Happy to do it.”

Her wrinkled hand touches my cheek and she stares into my eyes. At least I assume she is since she still has those ridiculous glasses on. “You’ve really grown into an amazing man. A little too many tattoos, but your heart is pure gold.”

I chuckle. “Thank you.”

“You’re totally kissing up to him.” Phoenix stands. “I think I would’ve planned a kickass party.”

“That’s the problem, you see it as a party. We’re not doing keg stands and Jell-O shots.” I hug Phoenix goodbye. “Thanks for the water, kiddo.”

She rolls her eyes like the twenty-year-old that she is. “Grandma Dori, can I get off early?”


“I told Juno I’d help her interview guys for some girl she’s trying to set up.”

“Sure, but you can’t leave early every day.”

“I can give you a lift,” I offer. “I’m headed over to Brooklyn and Wyatt’s place. I’ll drop you at Juno’s on the way.”

Both their gazes widen.

“Why are you going there?” Dori asks.

I tilt my head and look at her. “Wyatt needs my help with the event tent for the reception.”


Phoenix laughs and Dori shoots her a warning look, but Phoenix pays no attention.

“What am I missing?” I ask, unease building in my gut.

“Nothing, dear, you go and have fun with Wyatt.” Dori pats my shoulder.

I wrap my arm around Phoenix’s shoulders, escorting her out of the office.

“Phoenix,” Dori says.

They share a look before Phoenix nods.

We step out of the office and I immediately dig in. “So what was that about?”

“Savannah has a date. She’s getting ready over at Brooklyn’s so that he wouldn’t have to pick her up at your house.”

I nod, a little happier that Wyatt thinks I’m his on-call handyman. Not that I mind—especially today, because nothing gives me more satisfaction than watching Savannah squirm.