Rome pleads with Denver non-verbally. Sometimes I find their ability to have a complete conversation with only their eyes and mannerisms scary.

“I think Liam is self-conscious,” Rome says as if it’s only his opinion.

“Why? All the women want him in this town,” Phoenix adds her unhelpful two cents.

“Not all,” Austin chimes in.

“Yeah, I’m sure Holly’s repulsed by him.” Phoenix rolls her eyes and props her feet on the small footstool. Why is that girl always so relaxed?

“Everyone loves him,” Juno adds.

“This event wouldn’t have been a success without him,” I add.

Rome looks at Denver again then turns to us. “Exactly. Why do you think that is? He wants this town to like him, and I never really understood it until just now.”


Denver shakes his head like don’t share anymore, we’re betraying our friend, but thankfully Rome disagrees.

“We always knew he had something for you, Sav. If you were in the house when we were younger, he’d be like, ‘Let’s go bother your sister,’ or ‘Let’s look for her diary.’”

I swear he told me it wasn’t his idea. Hmm.

“When you went to college and he started dating Rachel, we figured it was done, but after Mom and Dad’s accident and you returned, he dumped her right away. We thought…” He looks at Denver. “They were really serious. We were shocked when he told us.” Rome shrugs. “It just always seemed like he was trying to get you to notice him, whether it was in a good light or a bad one, with you two bickering.”

“Oh, my God.” Juno covers her mouth, and Denver nods as if she’s figured it out.

Since when can she speak twin telepathy?

“What Rome’s trying to say is that he’s been trying to be an upstanding citizen of Lake Starlight, so he’d be good enough for you.” Phoenix stops scrolling on her phone and looks at me as though I’m stupid.

“But I…”

Brooklyn and Austin sigh because I’ve been the most honest with them.

I say, “I mean, yeah, the age thing scared me. Him being your best friend.” I signal to Rome and Denver. “But I never thought he wasn’t good enough for me.”

“I think you guys have to have a long heart-to-heart,” Rome says.

I bolt to my feet as fast as my dress will allow. “I need to find him. Where would he go?”

Rome looks at Denver and they both shrug.

“Lucky’s?” I say.

“Honestly, I don’t have a clue anymore. You’d probably know before us now.” Rome looks at his twin.

Denver stands. “Come on. I’ll take you to all his favs.” He shakes his head. “I can’t believe you’re in love with Liam.”

“I never said love,” I say on the way to his truck.

He opens the door for me, and I climb in. “You didn’t have to.”