“I sent her home. This is for us to handle.” Austin looks at me.
Tears build so fast, I can’t pretend they aren’t there.
“Aw, Sav.” Austin pulls me into a hug.
Sobs erupt out of me. “I was trying to get him to be happy. He made me so happy and now he’s mad.”
“Slow down.” Austin runs his hand over my back.
Brooklyn and Juno each take a spot at my feet, hovering at my knees.
“It’s okay,” Brooklyn says.
“It’s Liam, he doesn’t stay mad,” Juno says.
“I’ll beat his ass if he doesn’t forgive you,” Denver says.
We all take a time out from “cheer up Savannah” to give him a look that says he can try, but it’s probably not gonna happen. I lean back in the chair and swipe at the tears on my cheeks.
“You like him?” Rome asks. “I mean, Denver told us you guys were sleeping with each other, but you like him, right?”
I wipe a tear and nod. “I do.”
“You’ve changed so much since you got together,” Denver says. “I barely recognize you anymore.”
Austin shoots me a soft smile. I can tell he thinks I should be honest with my family.
“Liam and I did this stupid thing about finding the real Savannah Bailey. The one I was before the accident.”
They all go quiet, and no one makes direct eye contact with one another. The slow waves on the lake make the only noise.
“What do you mean?” Juno asks.
Austin sits up and clears his throat. He’d be happy to take this one, explain it to the siblings who didn’t have to take on the responsibilities we did after our parents died, but I put my hand on his knee to stop him.
“I’ve lost myself over the years. Having to take over Bailey Timber so young changed me.”
They look at each other as though they need someone to fill in the blanks. Austin and I took the weight so they wouldn’t have to bear it, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but I can’t expect them to understand when they still got to fulfill whatever dream they wanted. Yeah, we all lost our parents and that changed us, but Austin and I are the ones who agreed to take on the roles of pseudo mom and dad.
“Guys, Savannah and I, we wouldn’t change our decision,” Austin says. “When Mom and Dad died, we talked and made the plan. I think I speak for both of us when I say that we’re happy it all worked out, and we’re thrilled you all got to live your lives, but both of us did lose ourselves a little because of it. Savannah more than me because she’s the face of Bailey Timber. She’s the one employees look to as their leader. With that role comes responsibility and a presence she has to uphold.”
“Wait. What does this have to do with Liam and you?” Denver asks.
Rome, Austin, and Brooklyn give me a soft smile. They understand that when you get into a relationship, you find out things about yourself. The good and the bad.
“I’m just explaining what we did.” I wave it off and look at Austin to ask him to keep that part out of it. “Liam thinks I don’t want anyone to know about us because he’s a tattoo artist and I want a businessman. And he keeps referencing me wanting a suit. I have no clue why.”
Denver and Rome look at one another. I catch their matching expressions that say, ‘Do we say something or keep this to ourselves?’
“What?” I point at them.
They draw back, seeming shocked that I saw it. Just like when they got in trouble when they were little, they try to read each other’s minds as to what story to give.
“Do you guys know something?” Austin asks.
Denver shakes his head, but Rome opens his mouth, shutting it immediately.
“Come on, you guys. Tell me?”