“I’ll be right back. Please everyone bid away and enjoy the dessert.” When I toss the microphone on the table, its loud screech echoes through the room.
I get outside and find Liam already halfway to his car.
“Liam!” I call, but he keeps walking. “Liam!” When I run after him, his shoulders slump but he stops. “Where are you going? Everyone loves it!”
“You overstepped this time, Savannah.”
I stumble back as if he slapped me, but he turns his back to me and stalks toward his car.
Oh hell no, we are clearing the air now.
Liam reaches his car but turns around. “What gave you the right? That was my business.”
“Because you shouldn’t hide it. I bet it’s one of the biggest purchases tonight. If you would’ve stayed and heard everyone, you’d see that. They loved it.”
“It’s not theirs to love.”
“I thought you’d be happy. Now you don’t have to feel like you have to keep your work all cooped up in the barn. You can share your talent with people.”
He shoves his hands into his pockets and looks toward the lake for a moment before fixing his gaze on me. I’ve never seen this expression on his face before. Through all the fights and disagreements he’s had with me and others in town, never has he looked so raging mad. “So that’s why.”
I shake my head, not following. “Why what?”
We’re sandwiched between two cars and his volume continues to escalate. “Why you wanted to wait until tonight. Wanted to tell the town, ‘Look, he’s not some schmuck who just gives people tats, he’s a painter.’ You probably want me to close down Smokin’ Guns and open some gallery on Main Street. Would I be good enough for you then?”
What the hell is he talking about? “No, I told you why. I didn’t want our relationship to overshadow the fundraiser. I was already second-guessing that decision during dinner. I missed you.” I blow out a breath. “I showed that painting because I wanted to do the same for you that you did for me.” I run my hands down my body as if he could outwardly see how different I am. “I laugh now, Liam. I’m happy, and it’s because of you. I wanted you to feel how amazing I do.” I step forward, pleading with him. “I wanted you to be open about your painting because it would make you whole.”
“I was whole.” He draws away from me, his stance rigid. “I’m not like you. I don’t give a shit what people think of me. Was it hard sharing that with you? Hell yes! Because there are pictures I’ve painted that would affect you. But I don’t want to share my art with everyone. It’s mine and mine only.” He points at himself.
Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them back. “I was trying to help.”
He blows out a breath and runs a hand down the back of his neck. “Just admit it. I’m a big boy. I can take it. But I’m worth more than being your dirty little secret, your plaything, and because I fucking love you, I let you string me along, thinking we were on our way somewhere, but you want a suit. You want a guy who’s flashy and shows off his money. News flash, I’m never gonna be that guy.”
“I don’t want that. Why do you think that?”
A hollow laugh escapes him. “Look what you did tonight. ‘Oh, we can’t tell anyone because of the family business. Oh, not yet, Liam, we don’t want to overshadow the fundraiser.’ You conveniently left out the part where you decided to share my biggest secret with the town, so they’ll see me as a person worthy of a person like you. Well, I’m out of this ridiculous game you’re playing.”
“Why aren’t you listening to me?” I grab his arm, but he yanks it out of my grip, going for the handle of his car door.
“Rethink these past weeks. I’ve done everything to get you to love yourself. To find peace with who you are and discover who you want to be moving forward, not who those people want you to be. You’re both the strongest and weakest person I know. And I loved you for every bad and good quality you possess, but that’s not enough for you.” He opens his car door, but I stand in front so he can’t shut it. “Let me go.”
“No! You’re not listening to me.”
His eyes lock with mine. “You want to know what’s funny? I just told you I loved you—twice—and you never even addressed it. You only hear yourself and never anyone else.”
I’m stunned speechless. He told me he loved me? Surely I would’ve stopped in my tracks. No way he did.
His large palm lands on my hip. He slides me out of the way, gets in, and shuts his car door. Before I can go over his words in my head, his taillights are the only thing left of him.